Twice (7)

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Rose: Where are you going?

Y/N: buy milk

Rose: I'll go with you

Jisoo: Ooh something's going on in here

Lisa: And I'm here for it

Y/N: Jennie is going with me

Rose: Oh

Jennie: Yeah about that I actually have to do something so I can't go

Lisa: They are meant to be together

Y/N: You Can come you grab your jacket is raining

Jisoo: Y/N why are you talking more than usual?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Jisoo: You see? You would probably say "what" instead of that long sentence, did Rose forced you to do something?

Y/N: No I guess I'm just more comfortable with her

Jisoo: Oh alright


You open the door for Rose while she put on her jacket it was a bit cold but you enjoy it since it was raining sometime you would cry while listening to music especially now that you seen really paying attention to what Rose is saying you would nod and lip sing to the music

Rose: Anyways they can be quite annoying sometime but they ar- y/n?

Y/N: Yes? I'm listening

Rose: Oh I though you weren't

Y/N: Mmh

Rose: Why are your eyes red? They are puffy

Y/N: Yes of course

Rose: What?

Y/N: Yes

Rose rolled her eyes and took your headphone off your ears

Y/N: Im sorry

Rose: Yeah you should be, you make me look like an idiot

Y/N: I won't do it again I promise

Rose: Is alright is not a big deal anyways why are your eyes puffy? Wait is because of the rain isn't it? Oh come here

Rose grabbed your hand and pulled you into a nearby coffee shop you guys sat down and took of yours jacket

Rose: Let me see your eyes

Y/N: It's allergies it always happens when it rains

Rose: Mm I see, you should of told me

Y/N: Like you said is not a big deal, now let's go buy the milk

Rose: Can we stay here's bit longer? It's quite cozy in here

Y/N: Sure

You saw Rose hands trembling from the cold so you slowly placed her hands in top of hers her heart easily flatters but you didn't notice you just touch Rose finger to make them warm you thought that by doing that do you were making Rose hands warm but that wasn't the cause, it was Rose who was getting warmer by any touch of your hand, when you were looking at Rose she would quickly faced the other way.

Rose smiled would grow bigger whenever you would stare at her eyes or you would lower your voice when you were talking to her she loved your voice is not to high or low it was just perfect to sleep in. Suddenly a random flashlight was clicked you looked around to see where it came from but you didn't see nobody maybe you were just imagining it however after y'all took a break y'all went to buy some extra food and of course the milk

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