One friend? (6)

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Jisoo: They are so cute


Lisa: Isn't she gay?

You were conscious that the girls were in the room but once you move a bit you finger you realized you and Rose were hugging each other while on of her legs rest in top of your waist, however you open your eyes slowly and moved her feet


You cover her body with her blanket you didn't even make eye contact with one of the girl you just left the room to go to the bathroom you took a shower and brush your teeth you check your scars which looked the same as before but you still apply your cream and adjust your gauze after that you went to eat breakfast where you saw your brother with some girl who were in the club

???: Ooh who's this?

Young: My ugly brother

???: Ugly? He'

You ignore them and ate your food as much as you eat you never got full sometime it was feeling like you were starving yourself but you just wanted to play the piano you were learning a new piece, it was amazing how fast you learn just by one look at the sheet you remember half of the song, the girl and young heard how you play it, the girl was amazed while your brother was rolling his eyes whenever you made an incredible sound you can say he's just jealous

???: Your brother is amazing

Young: What?!

???: Just look at him I mean he even plays the piano I bet he's super smart

Young: Just get out

Your brother kick the girl out of the house and went towards you

Young: Why don't you go live somewhere else? You are just disturbing all of us nobody wants you here not even mom

Y/N: I don't have a job

Young: Then find one

Y/N: Father doesn't let me

Young: Just do it he won't do anything about it

Y/N: He will

Young: Just find a damn job

Y/N: Alright

You were thinking of working in the bar would be a good idea since you are sure you may bring a lot of client into the bar since your face attracts a lot of people but also you were bit nervous of whether you should apply or not, it didn't took long for you to go to the bar you were there to apply despite you don't having any experience they still accepted you they said you could work tomorrow so you made sure you had a good plan so that you can be able to workbut there was something stopping you from doing that, Rose she said she will stick to you but she isn't awake well you know you can just pretend like you are sleeping you end up going with that plan you weren't so nervous since your parents are really deep sleepers

You waited at night to watch if Rose was sleeping unfortunately she doesn't really snores so you gotta pretend like if you need to get water or a go to the bathroom but her arm will always try to pulled you closer in bed, she would wrapped her legs and arms around you as much as you wanted to move her away you loved this she is giving you attention that none of your parents gave you as a child they could at least give you a warm hug

But that didn't stop you, you moved her arms and legs away and got up you went to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth after all of that you left home you went alone to the bar you never knew it would be so annoying to hear the song of the bar play but you are only here to work

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