Wow (9)

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Rose POV:

I don't know what's with Liam, I don't know how I am even able to not feel uncomfortable when I'm around him, I normally would push man away from me I would look at them disgust I just don't understand how my body wants me to be closer to him, his smell and his hands are so nice, however there's thing that I'm confused about him, his hands are quite feminine and the way that he walks it's also feminine why I'm I wishing that his not gay? I can't think that, he has a girlfriend I should stop getting closer to him.

Y/N: Thank you for the food

Rose: Eat as much as you want

Y/N: I will

Liam smile was sweeter than my coffee, he made
my body ache for no reason, when have I felt this feeling before?

Rose: So um tell me about your girlfriend

Y/N: Shes pretty

Rose: Come on tell me more

Y/N: Mmm she love kimbap she's from Taiwan and she has a small round face she also has a heart shape lips, she's beautiful

Rose: What's her name?

Y/N: I can't tell you

Rose: If you tell me I will buy you the most expensive cake or whatever dessert

Y/N: You said I can eat how much I like

Rose: I changed it now tell me what's her name, please

Y/N: Fine..Tzuyu

Rose: Like Tzuyu from twice?

Y/N: Yeah they have the same name

Rose: Mm her name is pretty

Y/N: She is more, I want cake

Rose: Fine I will buy it for you

I order the most expensive cake that aaa about 1k for me was nothing as long as Liam is happy enjoying his cake I'm more than happy to buy him another one

Y/N: Do you want some?

Rose: Sure

Liam share the same spoon with me, he told me to open my mouth he fly the food in the spoon like an airplane and landed it on my mouth

Y/N: How is it?

Rose: Is delicious

Liam stood up from his seat and wiped the cream of my mouth with his finger

Y/N: Do you want more?

Rose: Im ok

Liam smiled at me with food in his spoon he took bite of the cake and finally he was don't with it, it was time to head back to the building we walked together to the building where we found the girls upstairs talking to the choreographer

Y/N: Where can I sleep?

Rose: You sleepyhead, here use my jacket as a pillow

Y/N: Thank you

Rose: Go lay down on that couch

Y/N: Thank you Rose

Liam happily went to lay down on the couch, I listen to the manager what he wanted to say but my eyes wouldn't get off of Liam just by watching him sleep makes me tired

Kiel: Rosie?

Rose: Yea?

Kiel: Pay attention

Rose: Mmh

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