Chapter Three

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I tiredly sat on the empty chair, with my hands on both of my knees before I felt a smooth touch on my face.

“Khun Kinn.” I muttered his name in shock and slightly tilt my head so that he won’t touch it anymore.

“I will help you clean your wounds.” He said in his same soft voice before he grabs another wooden chair for him to sit.

There are fairies here to help.” I told him and watch the other helpful fairies treat the injured. “I think they can help me.” He doesn’t have that much knowledge about treating someone too.

Khun Kinn stares at me with his inscrutable and odd expression but his shrewd dark eyes can’t hide it’s gentleness.  “Let me.”

I don’t really feel the pain as it was already transferred to Vegas.

Speaking of him, I watch them from afar. He was somehow calm this time, just sitting on the floor and his hands and feet are bounded by chains that Khun Kan did. Khun Korn is also in front of them and I watch him put a chain on Vegas’ neck as if he was a dog; making him obey them.

The people’s eyes were all judging him, busy exchanging gossips and some are cursing silently. If Khun Kan or Khun Korn are not here; I am sure that they will bad mouth him loudly until his eardrums bleed.

He looks so tame now, very different than who he is a while ago. I’m sure that what happened was because of him losing control of his own abilities and not because he wanted to do it.

Let me wipe this marks.” Khun Kinn said and was so determine to wipe the now scarlet colored marks, and wounds on my neck. “I will wipe Vegas’ marks.”

Vegas’ marks? That was so…unpleasant to my ears. It was a mark of me almost dying and probably will not wish to reincarnate because I will meet him again.

Does he think he is a vampire, huh?

Why only target my neck? I don’t want any parts of my body of course but! But! Among all, why is it my neck? I deserve an explanation with what he did.

Pete!” Khun No’s high pitch voice resonated through my eardrum. “You made it? Why?”

Why not? Let me cry today. Why does he sound so unsatisfied of me surviving that devil? I can feel an internal chaos. If I can just roll on the ground today and cry until I got bored, then I will.

Khun No remove Khun Kinn’s veiny huge hand that was carefully treating my wounds. Khun No put his hands on my cheeks and squeeze it. The corner of his eyes were wet because of tears and he examines my whole face.

Khun No made a somehow disgust look, eyes twitching and asked. “Why…why…” He stares at the marks on my neck. “Why do you look like you just finished making love with Vegas?”

Khun No!” I remove his hands in despair. Can anyone save me from these cousins because I can’t take it anymore? “It is not a bite marks or kiss marks.” I told him.

These are marks of him that means he will kill me someday.

“But it looks like one.” Not wanting to lose the argument, he said. “Why are you so serious, Kinn?”

When he asked that, I also averted my attention to Khun Kinn who was seriously staring at my neck. I felt a little bit awkward especially when his rough long fingers touch it, tracing the marks Vegas gave me from the crook of my neck until the middle.

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