Chapter Seven

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"Chay…” Kim muttered his name as his fingers travels to held the sleeping Porchay’s hand.

Porchay’s hand was still cold, and still. Kim takes a look and was satisfied to know that he can see Porchay’s chest rising and followed by a normal breathing. His cold and pair mundane eyes stares on Porchay.

The young man seems to be peacefully sleeping, probably in a middle of a great and solemn dream. His eyes were closed that all Kim can do is to look at Porchay’s long dark eyelashes.

“I didn’t mean to do it, Chay.” Kim’s voice was full of remorse, explaining to Porchay that he never intended to froze his heart. The sphere that pierced this young man was meant for Vegas.

Now, Porchay is like someone who was in a deep sleep, heart is frozen in time and even Kim who helps him stay alive isn’t sure on when he will wake up. The more Porchay stays a sleep, the more this whole fantasy place becomes gloomy.

They are in a middle of a forest, with green large vines creep upward as the ceiling. Flowers that were glowing serves as the bulb. Small fairies were flying around, checking if Porchay gains his consciousness. Porchay’s home that resembles the green life and Earth was slowly losing its color.

Kim roam his eyes around and saw the flowers losing its petal. This home is connected to Porchay’s life that whatever might happen is equal to this young man’s fate.

Chay. I’m sorry.” Kim whispered as it was only the two of them.

The place was extremely quiet too as if the winds and leaves refused to make a sound. Neither a single drop of water from the nearby meadow nor the buzzing of bees and fairies were heard.

Kim fix the flowers besides Porchay as he let out an exasperated sigh. “If you don’t wake up and I will…”

“Is he okay?”

Kim figured out that Tankhun arrived with his puffy eyes. His nose was red too as if he never stopped crying for five days.

“You don’t have your guards?” Kim diverted his attention and let go of Porchay’s hands.

“Arm will visit his older brother as what he said while Pol is sick. I am alone! Pete is still nowhere to be found!” He complained and started stomping his feet.

“Kinn will do everything to find him.” Kim said and replace the already dried flower with another one.

“Are you sure he will still wake up?” Tankhun couldn’t help but to ask.

“He will. I know he will.” Kim said and caress Porchay’s forehead. “He made a promise.”

“Can you leave him for a while?” Tankhun asked him with his serious voice. “I think he will be fine here.”


“Father wants to talk to you.” Tankhun said and slightly held Porchay’s hand to check him. He noticed that Kim is also holding the other hand tightly. “Let him go, Kim.”

Kim remains motionless and eyes were glued on Porchay as if it will disappear at any moment.

“Let him rest.” Tankhun tried to convince him. “He will wake up. I am sure of that.”

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