Chapter Eight

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It's been a long time. Almost two months. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Stage 1: Mermaid Tears (Trust)

“Near the sea of Crest is a cave where the spirit of the mermaid that cries and test people’s trust is found. The cave is her home and where she died while waiting for the person she loves to apologize…” Pete read as both of them are heading towards the sea of Crest.

Vegas on the other hand is silently following him, cursing for the hundredth time as he thinks that holding the wooden stick is childish and stupid. Vegas continuously takes a step forward, following Pete since he was the one who knew the directions. The sun will rise very soon and it’s starting to get hotter. The golden sun rays started to invade the mountain and kissing the flowers.

Vegas tightly hugged the neatly folded blanket while Pete is reading something. While walking, Vegas eyes that used to stare at his every footstep began to rise and stares at Pete’s back.

His grey eyes glued on Pete without the other knowing. He has never pay attention to Pete’s whole body that this is the first time he knew that Pete’s body proportion is outstanding.

His dark hair is also shiny and swaying in the morning wind. His upper cloth which is long and somehow bigger than him is also flowing like the waves. Other than that, Pete’s natural scent reaches Vegas’ nose that he finds it amusing.

“Here! Here!” Pete gladly turn to tell Vegas the good news.

Wow. Vegas’ subconscious mind muttered when the way Pete turn around seem to be so slow for Vegas. That few second felt like a minute.

Pete’s undeniable eternal beauty was like the sunrise; beautiful and glowing.

“This is the sea of Crest.” Said Pete and let go of the end of the stick that made Vegas’ eyes dropped.

The stick became lighter at the other end but it feels incomplete.

“Let’s go, Vegas!”

Vegas watch Pete ran to the sea with open arms and laughter. He was like a careless kid or a person who lived his life away from the sea that he was this excited. Even so, it was only Pete’s soft giggles and the sound of waves reaching for the seashores that he can hear. Vegas followed him later on then he sat on the white sand, hiding from the sunlight. Vegas stay still under the shadow of the huge rocks and use it as his shelter.

It’s been a while since Vegas saw what the sea’s looks like but nevertheless, the sea has its undying beauty. The sea mirrors the blue sky and its waves are not violent at all. It’s tranquil actually.

Vegas narrowed his eyes, looking at Pete who ran to the sea, welcoming the waves with open arms. Vegas doesn’t care at all as he thinks that it’s all foolishness and a mere stupid person like Pete will enjoy everything.

Vegas took the book that Pete randomly dropped and he read the few pages. Later on, the guardians of the cave will be here to guide them about collecting the Mermaid tears.

The Mermaid tears is found in the cave near the sea of Crest. In order to enter the cave, the guardian will give them a pearl that serves as the pass. It is said that the Mermaid tears will only be collected if someone trust themselves or other people. Trust is the word. The soul of the ancient mermaid lingers inside the cave where she died, waiting for the sailor she fell in love with to comeback and apologize for leaving her. The tragic story of the sailor’s betrayal made the mermaid cry until she died.

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