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I walked into the hallway.As usual the students were quite noisy so I turned up the volume of my headphones even more.
I was still so pissed about last night. Minho ranted me all night for talking rudely to that boy in the store. He had never talked to me like that, it was all because of that kid.

I went to my locker,took off the headphones and kept it there. There was someone standing next to me,someone I've never seen before.
i don't know what went through my mind that I looked to the other side.

There he was, that brat.
I seriously wanted to punch that filthy innocent face of his.But then, an idea popped in my mind.

I walked slowly towards the brat as he looked at me with wide eyes with a hint of fear in them.I loved how scared he looked only because of my stare.I smirked in victory as he started moving backwards.

"look who we have here"
I said in a tone enough to make him panicked. His face went pale when he stopped because of the wall behind him.
I exhaled and leaned closer to his ear.

"meet me at the store room in lunch break, alone"
I said and headed for my class while he stood there petrified like he had seen a ghost.

3rd person's pov:

Jeongin felt himself getting tensed up. He really feared the boy and had no idea what he was about to do.
maybe he will beat me like shit he thought.The bell rang making him flinch and come back to his senses. Jeongin rushed towards his class totally forgetting about Felix.

He reached his class and slammed the door open. He wanted to sneak inside without anyone noticing but due to the force he used to push the door, it ended up making a loud thud and all the students turned their heads towards the poor boy.

Jeongin started to sweat,not knowing how to react with all those eyes burning holes in him so he just bowed nervously and went straight towards where Felix was sitting.
He sat on the bench next to him and tried to catch his breath.

"you said you went to the bathroom lix"
Jeongin said between light huffs.

"I was, come on"

"what's that on your jaw?!"

Jeongin gasps pointing at his face and Felix's cheeks start to turn a bright shade of pink. He puts his hands in his face, trying to cover the purplish mark there.

"Wait I-I can expla-"

"did you hurt yourself lix? you should go to the nurse it looks pretty painful you know"

Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows looking at Felix with his doe eyes.

"well, kinda but it doesn't hurt don't worry"
Felix smiled and removed his hands to pat the youngers head.
He let out a sigh of relief and then chuckled at how innocent the boy was.

"Felix you haven't introduced me to our another roommate, is he here yet?"
Jeongin looks around the room.

"oh you mean Jisung? Well he will be here soon, probably with his boyfriend"

"when did he leave our room?"
The younger couldn't help but be curious.

"umm, not much probably about a week ago"
Jeongin nodded and Felix smiled at him.
They kept talking about some other random things and 15 minutes later, the teacher entered their class and they exchanged greetings.
She then gave the students some assignments and left due to some urgent work. The class became noisy again with no one giving a damn about their work.


I was still thinking about the morning incident in the hallway.I've used up all my braincells trying to guess why chan wanted to see me but none of them made any sense.
I didn't even realize I was zoning out until someone shouted right in my ear.

MY LITTLE BOY/JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now