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⚠sexual harassment, unwanted touching⚠

"where are you going all alone dressed up like that doll?"

Jeongin felt like his legs stopped functioning and he froze there, unable to move.
The voice came from beside him.When he turned to the direction of the voice, he saw three boys leaning on a bike.
They seemed young but really scary with some tattoos and lip piercings.

Suddenly they started moving towards Jeongin.
"why don't you give us a show baby? let's have fun"
One of them said and grabbed Jeongin's wrist, dragging him towards the corner and pushed him against the wall.
"just let me go"
Jeongin snatched his hand away and tried to push the man but he was way stronger than him.The unknown man slapped Jeongin, making his lips bleed slightly and faint finger marks were visible around the small boy's cheeks.
Then two of the other boys took Jeongin's hands and pinned them on the wall, tears streaming down the boy's face and his eyes were filled with fear.

"fucking slut you dared to push me"

"I-I'm sorry, it was a m-mistake. please l-let me go"
Jeongin pleaded but the boys just laughed at him not having a bit of mercy.
tsk tsk tsk...
"don't cry doll" The man wipes Jeongin's tears "if you keep your mouth shut and come with me, I promise I won't hurt you" He whispered in Jeongin's ears, his hands travelling under the boy's dress, gripping his thighs then slowly moving upwards to his ass.

Jeongin cried uncontrollably but he couldn't scream or shout for help as his mouth was covered by one of the men, stopping any type of noises.
His neck was being sucked on harshly and dirty hands were touching his body under his dress.
He felt disgusted.
Jeongin just wished he had listened to Felix and let them accompany him.

He felt a slight bit of hope as he heard a familiar voice shouting. The man got away from Jeongin and walked to the male who was coming to their direction.
Since it was quite dark, Jeongin couldn't see his face from far away but when he came close, he felt more scared and wanted to disappear from there.

Our performance had ended and I was tired.I walked to the backstage and picked up my black jacket.I was pissed that I saw that brat again,I don't know why but he just gets on my nerves.
I wanted to smoke to release my frustration so I informed Hyunjin that I was going out for a while and I don't even know if he listened me as he was already busy with his boyfriend sitting on his lap.

I rolled my eyes at him and decided to go behind the school's building as it was peaceful and silent there, just the type of environment I like.I placed the cigarette between my lips and walked slowly but when I reached there, something caught my eyes. There were shadows of a few people and also laughing noises. They were being too loud I hate it.
I threw the cigarette and stomped on it then angrily walked to those people shouting
"stop being so fucking loud and go do something else-"

My breath was stuck on my lungs when I saw what was actually going on there. Those guys were harassing someone.
He was pinned on the wall by two people and I knew them, Alson and Jae. Ji-won was the one who was touching that boy. They were from the nearby school who always hung out and bullied the students of our school. Ji-won looked angry like I just interrupted his very important business.
I looked at the boy in the wall and my day couldn't get any worse, It was the brat but I felt a pang on my chest when I saw his state. His neck was all covered in purple bite marks and lips were bruised. He also had finger marks on his cheeks with tears over them.

I could tell from his eyes that he was scared, really scared but when we made eye contact, it got worse.
was he scared of me?

"hey bang, why don't you just go somewhere else you see I'm kind of busy"
Ji-won smirked at me and I scoffed. His smirk became a frown when I gave him a death glare.I folded my arms and said calmly "leave him"
That bastard then started to laugh suddenly.
"do you want this beauty all to yourself ba-?"

"and what if I say yes?"
I cut him off sternly, my calmness fading away with every word I was saying.
"don't be a fool and leave before I have to use my ways"
The bastard was trying to threaten me but it was of course no use. It was just funny, a bitch trying to act all intimidating. Ji-won walked to that brat again and put his hands on his waist which made him flinch and close his eyes.

It was my last straw, I pulled him by his shoulder and punched right on his nose as I heard a 'pop' before he fell on the ground holding his nose which was bleeding.
Ason and Pasang had let go of the boy as even Ji-won, their leader didn't stand a chance against me.

"you're gonna regret this sooner or later bang"
Ji-won yelled as his minions were helping him walk to his bike. I ignored and went to my brat but when I tried to help him he backed away and slid down the wall hugging his knees as if he was trying to protect himself.
"please, don't-don't touch m-me. I beg y-you"
He was shaking and looking at the ground, hiding his body and for the first time I felt really bad for him.

I took off my jacket and crouched down to his level. He hugged himself more tightly. I took a deep breath and covered his body. My jacket was too big on him but covered his body perfectly.
He looked at me with his sparkling red eyes, my heart skipped a beat.

His lips were still bleeding.I slid my hand under his knees and his waist to carry him in bridal style to take him to the nurse. He was actually very light making me easier to stand up from the ground.His small hands clutched onto my tshirt making him look like a baby.

As I was walking he said something which I cannot believe I just heard from a grown man.

"thankyou for saving innie, daddy"

apologising with tears.
is this story going too fast or slow? if it's slow then dw the next chapter is gonna be quite cute and fluffy😋
see you till then♡

MY LITTLE BOY/JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now