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It had already been a week since Jeongin transferred and his days at his new highschool were a lot better than his previous schools.He had Felix and Jisung who loved and took care of him.They always liked to hang out after school and Jeongin couldn't ask for anything more.

The celebration party was also next week and Jeongin had asked Felix to help him buy an outfit and now they were in the mall searching for something decent.
Jeongin was trying on the tshirts when he saw something that caught his eyes.
It was a line of skirts of different colours and designs.
Jeongin had always wondered how he looked in a skirt but he was scared to wear them, scared he would be judged by the others so he never got the courage to buy it.
He went near and grabbed a brown tennis skirt.It was short but pretty.
Jeongin looked around to search Felix, he was also picking up a dress from the other line. Jeongin gestured Felix to come over and Felix walked towards him.

"yes innie,did you find something for you?"
Felix asked him.
Jeongin was hesitating to tell Felix that he wanted to try a skirt.
"woahh that's a really pretty skirt do you like it?did you try it on?"
Felix bombarded him with questions when he saw the skirt in Jeongin's hand.
"y-you see actually I um, wanted to try this but-"

"yes try it, I bet you'll look awesome"
Felix cut off Jeongin and grabbed his hands, guiding him towards the dressing room.
"I'm outside if you need anything just  call my name okay"
Felix smiled and closed the door.Jeongin looked at the skirt before looking at himself in the mirror.
fuck it, if not now then when Jeongin? Jeongin thought then pulled down his pants and slipped on the skirt.
It reached till his mid thighs, fitting him perfectly like it was made jusf for him. Jeongin's curves looked more as his croptop was just a bit above his belly button.

something like this:

Jeongin started at himself in the mirror

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Jeongin started at himself in the mirror.
He was shocked at how different he looked at he was just happy about it. Jeongin had never thought that he would ever be wearing something like this.He wanted to thank Felix so much.
Jeongin opened the door and peeked out his head looking for Felix.

"innie, you done?"
Felix came towards him and he nodded before opening the door and walking out.
Felix couldn't hide his smile and pulled Jeongin for a hug.
"you look so cute oh my goddd"
He pinched Jeongin's cheeks.
"really lixie?isn't this too short?"
Jeongin tried pulling down the skirt a bit but it didn't come down.
"no, it's perfect okay and you look really good.The boys are gonna get crazy for you"
Felix clapped his hands together.

"but didn't you get anything?"
Jeongin asked.

"yeah, I actually got a dress I'll try it on at the dorms and we can take pictures"

"okay I'll go and pay for this then we can go to eat something"
Felix nodded then Jeongin went to change his outfit and went to the cashier.
After the payment Felix and Jeongin went to a restaurant to eat ramen as Felix said he was craving some.
Jeongin and Felix had a lot of quality time together but they kinda missed Jisung as he was actually on a date.

"felix, I actually wanted to ask you something"
Felix looked at Jeongin while chewing on his ramen.

"mmhm is it about Jisung?"

"n-no...it's about you"
Jeongin said nervously and looked at Felix.
"oh, me?...uh sure go on"

"do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend maybe?"
Jeongin closed his eyes due to the embarrassment but when he opened them he saw Felix laughing.
"jeez I thought it was something really important but yeah, I do have a boyfriend"
Felix scratched the back of his neck and let out a small laugh.
"reallyyy can you tell me about him?"
Jeongin gasped and looked at him with puppy eyes which Felix obviously couldn't deny.

"okay so his name is Hwang Hyunjin and he is actually the same year as us but he's in a different faculty.I was in the music club back then and I had met him during one of our club activities.We became friends and started hanging out a lot.Slowly I began to have a crush on him but I was too scared to say it.But one day I finally gathered the courage to tell him so I said everything that was in my heart and to my luck he accepted my proposal and then we started dating"
Felix was red as a tomato and Jeongin was listening really carefully.

"it sounds like a fanfiction wow"
Jeongin was in complete awe.

"but what about you?"
Jeongin choked on his soup.

"I'm single" He made a peace sign trying to look cool and Felix nodded.They became quiet again and ate silently.

It was evening already and both of them were really tired to they went to their dorms, took a shower and decided to sleep. Jeongin asked if he could sleep with Felix and Felix agreed.Soon they fell asleep with Felix hugging Jeongin.
And about a boyfriend, Jeongin just wished he had one.

ilysm ya'll
thanks for reading
and sorry for the short chapter

MY LITTLE BOY/JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now