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short chapter:]

"I like you"

The words echoed in Jeongin's mind like a voice ringing throughout an empty forest. He blinked a couple times making sure he heard it right and his brain wasn't just making things up.

Chan called out, his eyes directly trying to look at Jeongin's but failing as the younger was looking down and everywhere else.

Did he say it at the wrong time? But Chan had to let it out, he had to confess to the younger now or then instead of burying his feelings deep in his chest. He had to tell the younger how he had passed several sleepless nights due to figuring out about his feelings towards Jeongin. And after too much of this analysis, he finally came to a conclusion that he actually likes the younger. Chan himself doesn't know how or when it all started, but he knows that he was falling for Jeongin.

"I'm sorry"
He whispered in defeat when he didn't hear an answer in return. Maybe he did say it at the wrong time, or he shouldn't have said it at all. Chan felt his eyes burn as he tried to control his tears.

"hyung...it's fine"
Jeoingin said, although he was not looking at Chan, the elder could guess he had a disappointed look on his face.
"look at me hyung"
He said again surprisingly in a  much gentle tone.
Chan sighed with closed eyes before he looked to the younger, he couldn't stop himself from admiring Jeongin's facial features admidst of the situation he was in.

Although Jeongin looked like he was feeling cross, the thoughts on his mind were quite the opposite. His heart was beating furiously but his brain was lingering onto that one particular thing which made him drift away from accepting the older's proposal...even though he knew he liked him back as much. He just realized it...he actually likes Chan but he still needed to take his time to settle out the certain thoughts and confusions. With a delicate tone, he stated.

"I'm sorry hyung"
I'm glad you like me.

"I can't accept it right now..."
I can't tell you that I actually have a mental condition which you'll probably find wierd.

"but can you give me some time to think about it?"
I want to believe when you say you'll like me after I show you my true self.

Chan couldn't do anything except to nod, the dimples on the corner of his lips being prominent.Jeongin forwarded his hands, helding it onto Chan's biceps and leaning closer to him. He smiled a little, signaling Chan to smile too but the older didn't give any energy on that smile, it looked bland like an unseasoned chicken...

"are you sad or hurt?, because that doesn't suit you hyung...don't feel bad about what I said"
The younger tried to convince him but couldn't find the right words to properly announce it.

"I ruined everything"
Chan abruptly said, his voice cracking at last. Jeongin swallowed thickly, the atmosphere becoming suffocating at those words.
"n–no hyung you didn't! don't blame yourself"
The younger stated hurriedly, not buying any of the emotional shit Chan was spewing.

"look hyung I said I needed time"
Jeongin asaid again.
"I didn't say I don't like you back–"
He didn't want to continue anymore, but what he said now was enough already.

He nodded, assuring the older and Chan nodded.

Their ride's time was over so both of them got out of the cabin once the ferris wheel stopped, Chan holding Jeongin's hand so he won't fall off from there.
He also helped him carry their stuff (the gifts he won) till the place he parked his bike. It was kind of difficult to sit with a big teddy in between them but Jeoingin adjusted so it wasn't a hassle.

Late night, starry sky and fresh wind...it was one hell of a drive which both of them enjoyed. Chan had also planned of taking Jeongin on a convenience store date but seemed like it would be for the next time...if he had a chance to take him out again.

As they reached to Jeongin's dorm, Chan put a brake to his bike. Jeongin had a bit of struggle getting off but did it eventually. Chan found it cute how he was trying to carry all the things by himself but failed so he offered a hand.
He walked with Jeongin till their room and the younger unlocked it. Chan handed him the big teddy he carried, then moving towards the door before facing the younger.

"I'll leave for now, hope you enjoyed the night"
He said in the hopes that he didn't mess up the special moment or that's what he thought.

The door closed without Chan saying goodbye which hurt Jeongin a bit. He wanted to hug Chan and tell him how thankful he was for everything he did for him today but no, he left.

Jeoingin dropped the stuffed toy and rushed to the window. Sliding the curtains he stared down and waited for Chan to appear. As Chan walked furiously he looked up for a second, his teary eyes making contact with Jeongin's. The younger hesitatingly waved a 'bye'. Chan broke out a small smile at that before he mouthed a bye and slipped on his helmet. Jeongin watched as his bike's engine started and in just a few seconds, Chan disappeared from his sight...

"I wanna tell you that I like you back hyung. I wanna tell you that as soon as possible..."
He whispered as if he was talking to Chan.

I wanna kiss you...
bye lovelies<3

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