Ch 1. The Discovery

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Disclaimer: I do not own Show/Anime


Nijiro stalked quietly through one of All For One's bases, pausing when he heard sobbing echo from one of the rooms he had almost passed by. Was someone trapped here, did they need help like Yoichi had only a couple of months earlier?

Hesitantly he went and pushed the door open, keeping his gauntlets aimed forward in case this was a trap. He frowned at first not seeing anything, until he turned a little and noticed a man in a dishevelled suit. The man had white hair and when they looked up it showed they also had blood red eyes, All For One.

With a growl he turned his gauntlet towards the man and began powering it up, only to freeze as he realized that the man wasn't even moving as they just stared him and the gauntlet down passively.

They made no move to attack, defend, or even seemed all too bothered by the fact he was aiming a weapon towards them with intent to kill.

If there was one thing about himself that Nijiro hated above all, it was that he cared too much about people. He always had to try and help people, even if they didn't want help and it was the reason he'd taken that risk in rescuing Yoichi only months prior and that had been the biggest risk he could have possibly taken.

Or it would have been if Nijiro hadn't just lowered his weapon that was aimed towards All For One, the almost broken looking Meta-Ability thief just staring at him passively.

Nijiro grunted as he just straightened his back and turned to leave, he had a moral code and wouldn't kill someone so obviously weak and unable to defend themselves. However he didn't even make it to the door before a voice called out quietly, the words said sending shock shooting through him.

"Please kill me..." All For One's voice whispered and Nijiro whipped around to face the man once more.

"Kill you?" Nijiro questioned disbelievingly." Why would I do that, your already weak and clearly in no condition to fight and unlike you I'm not a monster. I don't kill people who are unable to defend themselves, in case you've forgotten."

Nijiro stared at the man as they closed their eyes, wondering why All For One was begging their enemy to kill them.

"It's hurts." All For One whispered, their eyes opening in an expression of pain." This is the first time my Meta Ability has let me free in nearly fifteen years, I don't want to be a slave to it anymore and I've hurt so many people, killed so many people...all because my Meta Ability controlled me and I was too weak to stop it."

It wouldn't be the first time a Meta-Ability controlled the actions of their user, it was quite common in sentient or mutation Meta-Abilities and it made him pause.

One of those unfortunate people had been one of Nijiro's closest friends growing up, they had a mutation Ability that gave them the powers of a lion. Unfortunately the instincts were strong and when they entered a relationship with a woman who already had two kids, they murdered and ate the kids.

A common sight to see with male lions who entered a new pride, if their were already cubs they would kill and sometimes eat said cubs. Ensuring the survival of their own bloodline above all else, unfortunately they had suffered the consequences of their Meta-Ability in one of the worst ways possible and ended up committing suicide.

Meta-Abilities were a largely unknown and one such as the one All For One had could very well control their actions, almost trapping the real person inside their own mind. The very nature of the Meta-Ability might force a person to do something they would otherwise never do, it was sad fact of the world he and the rest of the people on this planet lived in now.

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