Tristan pravong

994 8 7

„MOM HAVE YOU SEEN MY SHOES SOMEWHERE" ? I yelled being completely stressed out by the fact that we're going on vacations in less then 4 hours . „I HAVENT HONEY KEEP LOOKING FOR THEM!" she yelled back . Oh god this is such a mess . Eventually I found them under my bed a few minutes later . I continued packing my stuff . When I was finished I decided to sleep the rest of the time since we're going to fly to Italy .

~time skip~

We're almost at the airport and I was more than happy about that because my little brother was getting on my nerves . When we arrived we checked in and gave away our baggage 🧳. We had a bit time left so I just got something to eat from a food stand . When we decided to sit down and wait for boarding I saw a stunning boy with black hair sitting down at a other bank that was there . He was probably around my age maybe 16/17 something like that . „Why Are you starting at this boy"? My little brother (13) asked me and deadass pointed his finger directly at him . „Omg dont Point at him you idiot" I whisper yelled . „Whatever" he said focusing on his phone again . I couldn't help my self but look at this boy . Sometimes we had kind of eyecontact but I always broke it first . When the plane was ready for boarding my parents gave us our tickets with our seat numbers on . Oh god I was sitting next to some random . „Why do I get the only ticket that's not even near you guys ?" „oh honey we're sorry we couldn't find 4 seats for us together . „Hm okay" I said kinda pissed . I looked at the boy one last time and he even smiled at me , cute . But he's just an airport crush I'll never see him again . My brother and parents were sitting more at front of the plane while I sat all the way in the back . I took the window side ofcourse . I felt someone sitting down next to me but I couldn't care less who it was , i was pissed at my family . „Uh hey" I heard someone say , I turned around and locked eyes with the same boy from earlier... okay im not pissed at all anymore I thougt . „Hey" I smiled back . „I'm Tristan nice to meet you" he said and held out his hand . I gently shook it and smiled back „y/n nice to meet you" .
„Since we're going to fly a while do you have any snacks" ? He asked smiling like a goofball . I could already tell that this is going to be the best flight ever  . „Yeah I got cheetos" I said handing him my Cheetos bag . „Thanks so-    He got interrupted by a girl looking a bit younger maybe 14/15 starting at him and then saying „omg aren't you that one boy from the black phone the base ball player ? Can I get a autograph pleaseeee?" „uh sure" Tristan said and gave her one . I just looked confused . The girl gave me a dirty look and the left . „What the hell was that?" „you know I'm Leonardo DiCaprio 2.0" he laughed . I couldn't help but started giggling . „Nah just jokes I played in a movie that just came out you should watch it" . „I'll make sure I will" I said" . Then our plane took off ,  finally .

We had so much fun , we talked and mostly just laughed at his dump jokes . We watched Deadpool and both parts of grown ups ( I love grown ups so much lol best Adam Sandler film ever ) . I even got his number . It was starting to get really dark so we decided to rest a bit .

~Tristans POV~

I was about to fall asleep when I felt a head on my shoulder . Hm sweet . I rested my head on hers and sneaked one arm around her shoulder then I also fell asleep .

( still Tristan's pov )

I woke up to see a sleeping y/n on my shoulder how adorable . I never thougt that this could happen to me in just one day but here i am cuddling with a cute girl on a plane . I hope we'll keep in touch but for now im snuggling back with her and won't let her go till we land .

End of my third one shot yay I hope y'all liked it bcs I'm a total Simp for Tristan tbh

( I'll take suggestions !!)

Wordcount : 755

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