Robin arrelano

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I was just chilling in my room singing some songs .
It was dark outside and slightly raining it was very calming so I decided to draw a bit when suddenly the phone in my room rang . „Uh hello who's this?" „are you free tomorrow after school?" „I uhm yeah but who is this?" „you'll see" „okay this is not funny if this is supposed to be some sort of joke I will pun-„click" whoever this was just hung up wtf how creepy .

The next day I was just casually getting ready i did some skincare , did. my hair and put one some make up and my favorite outfit . I walked to school and on my way I picked up finney and Gwen . „You guys won't believe what happened yesterday" I said , „what happened" Gwen asked . „So I was just chilling when the phone rang I picked up and asked who's calling but they just asked if I was free today after school I said yes and asked again who this was they said something like yOu'Ll SeE i was in the middle of destroying whoever this was but they just hung up". „I mean you'll find out today , right? Finney said . „Yeah I don't know if I want to it's kinda creepy" I answered and Gwen giggled and said something like „secret admirer" .

The school day was boring when it ended I was about to leave when robin came straight up to me . I know robin his kind of a trouble maker but he's super tuff and all the girls are drooling over him . I think he's sorta friends with finney but I don't really know . „So what do you wanna do , wanna go to the arcade?" he spoke „what?" was the only thing I could say at this moment . „You know yesterday you told me you where free today , remember on the phone" so he was the one calling . „Oh Uh yeah I am I am but I don't have any money" „it's fine I'll pay ;)"

The day was fun but I still wonder how the hell he got my number .



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