Finney blake

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( I perspective / y/n ) ( there's no grabber )

So I lately got kicked out of my last school because my grades were very bad because I didn't payed attention in class and for some fights I got in .

My family had no other option than moving a away and send me to another school , hoping I will get better grades ... wich is a waste of time because I'm not going ti change anyway .

~time skip~

We drove for hours until we finally arrived in this shitty town at our new place , u have to say the house is really nice compared to our last one so I won't complain .
„Y/n you can go to youre room if you want the most stuff is already set up and unpacked just some decor is missing" my mom said .
„Yeah thanks mom" I answered and rushed into my new room only to fall asleep a few minutes later .

~time skip morning~

Completely unmotivated I got out of bed and got ready for the day ( Imagen how you would usually get ready for school ) . Once I finished I got downstairs and ate breakfast . When it was time to go my mom said „listen honey it's very stressful for all of us but please don't mess up this time I don't want you getting into fights and getting bad grade , ok ?"
„yeah mom I'll try" I blankly answered and left .

When I was casually walking a girl catchend up to me . „Hey ! Are you new here ? I've never seen you around this neighborhood??" she said .
„Uhh yeah I'm new here I just moved from (City of choice )" I told her .
„Oh cool my name is Gwen by the way and the boy walking a bit in front of us is my big brother finney" she answers cheerfully .
„It's nice to meet you Gwen my name is y/n" I answered still abut confused if getting approached randomly .
„FINNEY COME HERE AND MEET Y/N!" Gwen suddenly yelled at the boy ahead of us .
He turned around an „woah he's stunning" I thougt to my self . He had light brown curly hair and was slightly taller than me .
„Hey I'm finney nice to meet you" he said to me .
„I uh uhm I- I stuttered like crazy and mentally slapped my self . „I mean hey I'm y/n" I managed to say . He just smiled and we continued walking .
„So y/n tell us why you moved from the beautiful (city of choice) to this shitty town ?" finney suddenly asked .
„Yeah tell us !" Gwen agreed .
„So uh I'm not really the best at school if you know what I mean and I got in some trouble at my old school to do we had to move" I answered scared of their reaction .
„So you're a badass huh" gwen laughed .
„That's kinda cool" Finn agreed .
„Thanks I'm not proud of it though but I don't think I'll change" I answered slightly laughing .
„Oh Finn's very good at school he could be youre tutor" Gwen suddenly suggested .
I saw finney turning slight red but he said „ yeah I mean sure if you want to"
„That would be great thanks !"

~at school~

So we arrived at school and Gwen left to her class so it was just me and finney now .
„Can you tell me where u find this classroom ?" I asked pointing to the plan the principal gave me .
„Oh you're lucky that's my class to we can go together" he said smiling .
„great !" I smiled back .

We arrived at the classroom and a few heads turned but then they all just continued talking .
„you can sit next to me if you'd like to?" finney said a bit shy .
„I would like that yeah" I smiled .

The whole day was boring but at least I've met two friends wich is awesome especially someone is awesome ...

~after school~

„Hey y/n wanna come over to mine and work on the homework in history together ?" finney approached me .
„Yeah sure I have nothing to do anyways" I said

< finney Gwen and I continued to hang out every day and I eventually grew feeling for finney I mean who wouldn't he's so gentle and charming it's wonderful , I actually got better at school but I still got in a lot of fights due to protecting finney from he's bastard ass bully's who's been teasing him since he ever started school . At the end of the year finney even asked me to go to hoco ( homecoming ) with him. I totally said yes and it was the best night of my life .
Months later and me and finney as still as close as we were at the start maybe even closer , we flirt a lot with eachother and I hope he feels the same as u do . >

„Y/N „Y/L/N TO THE PRINCIPAL NOW!" someone yelled over the speaker . Oh well ...
I arrived at the principal and he told me to sit down .
„Misses y/l/n , u sadly have to tell you even tho you're grades are getting better you still can't go to this school anymore ... you've been causing to much drama and fights and all the detention does not seem to work , we have already found another school for you about 7 hours away from here your family and you will move tomorrow" he told without any emotions . I could just state at him in pure shock and for the first time in years I felt tears in my eyes . „Misses y/l/n I want you to get you're stuff and leave this school , goodbye ."
„I ... okay" was all I could say because if I talked Mitte u would've probably started crying like a baby tbh .
On my way to my class u couldn't hold it anymore I the thought of never seeing gwenny and finney again ... especially finney the first boy i grew feelings for hurt me deeply I knew I could probably visit them but a 7 hour drive is a 7 hour drive ... now the tears started rolling uncontrollable down my face and and sobbed loudly .
I stormed into class everyone stopped in thier tracks and looked at me but I just ignored everyone and grabbed my stuff . „Y/n what happened are you okay" I heard finney saying but u just stormed off .
„Y/n WAIT !" I hear finney again and he ran after me .
He stopped me outside of the school .
„Y/n what's wrong why are you crying ?"
„I have to move away because of my behavior , and not just like one hour away NO 7 FUCKING HOURS !" u first sobbed and then screamed .
„What you're moving ? No this can't be true  it hey we can still visit eachother right?" Finn said holding up my chin . „No finney you don't get it , we will probably loose contact I know waht I'm talking about I moved a lot and I always lost contact with every friend I made and I don't want to loose you because ... because In in love with you !" I kinda whisper yelled at him .
„You're - what" he started
„I can't do this right now , we're moving tonight come to my house at 11 pm for our last goodbye ." I sobbed and stared walking away .

~time skip 11pm~
„is everything packed? Don't forget something !" my mom said while we were standing beflute our car .
„Y/N !"
I heard yelling I turned around to see Gwen and finney running up to me .
„Gwenny , finney you actually came !" I said
„Ofcourse we are , hey ms and Mr y/l/n" finney said .
„Hey kids" my parents said .
First I hugged gwenny really tight and whispered „thank you for coming up to me on my first day you were the best bestie u could wish for u will never forget and I will miss you so so much thanks for everything !"
„Oh y/n I'm gonna miss you so much" gwenny started crying and sobbing in my shoulder as i started to cry to .
She let go of me and now it way finney me turn , looked him in the eyes and smiled . He smiled back and hugged me tightly . I've never been so close to him , I still have butterfly's.
I whispered to him „hey finney thank you for tutoring me and always being there for me you means the world to me and I will miss you like crazy I never told but I have to let it go ... you know finney ive been deeply in love with you ever since we've met , I just wanted you to know ." I finished .
He let go of me and looked me in the eyes
The he abruptly smashed his lips onto mine .
We kissed for what felt like forever when he backed away and said „you know I love you to , I will never forget you y/n , see you soon ." he smiled at me when I got I to the car I didn't even want to look at them because I would state crying again .
I waved at them ... slightly smiling hoping to see them again soon .

„sooo Finn Blake huh" my dad started .
„Dad please" I Growned at him .
This is going to be a long car ride , I thougt to myself .

( Wordcount 1594 )

authors note :

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