Chapter 2

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City Outskirts. Four Days after the attack

Sona walked across the grass, using a a stick to help her. She heard the call of a bird, hearing as it flapped its wings and flew away. She has gotten no word from anyone, only Wave with her, as she continued to travel through the outskirts.

Wave flew ahead, following after the bird, which brought both of them to a camp. "These guardians... they had no chance without their powers." He floated around, as Sona picked up a knife, holding it over in one hand. He could see she looked saddened, holding it close to her.

"Would any of us have a chance really?" She asked quietly, placing the knife next to a little burial spot she made for them.

"We'll make it through this. I will make sure we both do. But if you die, Sona. I can't resurrect you. This is just as dangerous now." Wave said, as he showed where a gun was laying at, watching her pick it up.

"I know Wave. I know." She muttered, before they continued their walk past the camp. Wave gently headbutted her arm, feeling the others pain and sadness.

The two heard a roar of a honored war beast, who was charging right at them. Sona dodged, as she started to fire it, taking it out. Two war beasts followed behind it, taking them both out one by one. She gathered the ammo they dropped. The two got cornered, as more started to come in.

Wave directed her, while giving the location of each one, trying not to get also hit by any of the beasts.

Sona took a deep breath once all of them were taken out, before following the bird, who had waited for them, Wave letting her know that it was circling around, waiting for them.

Twilight Gap (one week after the attack)

Sona could tell it was snowing by now, feeling the crunch of it under her boots as she walked. It was ducking cold. Wave had to agree with her about that.

They heard the call of that falcon that was following them. "Could it be following us, Sona?" Wave asked.

"You might be right." She replied, looking a little curious. She listened as her stick hit the rocks in front of her, or drag in the snow. She could hear it's wings flap, as they seemed to follow it. "And seems that we are following it."

They neared the side of a cliff, following through the edge, making sure to not go over the edge. "This is something I'd not want you to do ever again." Wave muttered.

Sona chuckled a little, and continued to walk, as a ship flew past them, hearing the sounds of its engine. She slid down a slope for a bit, before stopping, following after the falcon with Wave.

The two could hear the oncoming battle, jumping in to attack, as war beasts and Legionary cabal attacked. "Hunting for Guardians I bet." Wave said, Sona nodding in agreement, as she knifed a war beast that got close. There was a lot of war beasts lately.

Wave was gonna have her head as she jumped down to ledges, walking over a fallen tree to get to the next ledge.

She used a boost to get to the ledge, but missed, hitting the grass below. It wasn't a rough landing, but who wouldn't say it'd still hurt.

"Oh look, somebody left a perfectly good guardian lying around. Things must be worse than I thought." Sona felt someone grab her hand, helping her up to her feet. Sona was about to ask who she was, when there was a sound of a large cannon. "That's our cue to go. Get moving people!!"

"What you mean lying around? What is going on? Where are you even going?" Sona asked, trying to follow after them.

"What else? Away from here of course. None of us wanna get caught." The women replied, walking backwards to look at the two. The falcon called out from the sky, flying down to neatly land on the woman's arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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