Chapter Three: Beth

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After the breakfast Samuel and I had, I put on blue jeans and an oversized white T-shirt with my white sneakers. I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail ready to head out to campus. I kiss Samuel on the cheek and I tell him I love him before walking out the door.

I walk down the stairs of the apartment complex and into the fresh air of California. As I walk into the city I start to admire everything about it. Everything is just so colorful, from the flowers, the trees, the sky, the people, even the buildings themselves are just so colorful. Everything is just so much brighter than I ever thought it could be. I can't believe how comforting the scenery is in this city.

Not a single person I walk by looks like another person, everyone here is just so unique and different. It's refreshing. I am so glad I moved here. The air just smells like happiness and freedom here. Everything about this city is everything I have ever dreamed about it being.

I walk onto campus and can't believe how big it is. The images online are nothing in comparison to what I am standing in front of. I don't know where I am going from here. I know I am looking for the front office, but this is ridiculously big. I look around to see students everywhere all looking just as lost as I am. This is why they provide a tour of the campus.

"You look lost." A soft female voice speaks.

I turn my head to see a girl with white pale skin and short, but bright purple hair staring at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I joke.

"Not only does it look that obvious, but the smell of lost reeks from you." She hits me with humor that makes me laugh.

"Are you saying I smell bad?"

"No, no. You don't smell bad, but you definitely put on perfume that screams "Help! I've never been to a city campus before." Am I right on the money?" She asks.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Maybe just a penny off."

"What am I missing?" She sniffs the air. "Wait, don't tell me." She sniffs again. "Oh, it's that with a hint of "I am a freshman student." Now am I spot on?"


We both laugh. See, people are just better here than back at home. This stranger has just made me want to be her friend.

"My name is Avery and yes I am a freshman."

She puts her hand out. "I am Beth and lucky for you, not only am I a sophomore student at this campus, but I am in charge of finding a straggler freshman that missed the tour."

I shake her hand, which is surprisingly soft like a cloud, wait what did she say? "Missed the tour?"

"Yeah, the tour was an hour ago."

I look down at my phone to see that it is one in the afternoon. "I can't believe it. I left my apartment at eleven thirty."

"Did you walk here?" Beth asks.


"Walking through the city does take more time than you think. It is a beautiful sight that steals the numbers off the clock."

"I can't believe I got distracted."

"No worries, girly. Like I said, I am in charge of finding lost freshmen. I can still show you the campus."

"I don't want to be a bother to you."

"Trust me, Avery-Right? That's your name?" Beth asks.

"Yeah, it's Avery."

"Avery, lucky for you, I am going to be the hero that saves you from your damsel in distress."

"I really do appreciate you."

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