◇Chaos Control Catastrophe◇

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《No ones POV》


It was a silent night. The sound of crickets is all you would hear for miles.. The wind blowing the grass lightly. It truly was peaceful..

Until a rather annoying alarm decides to disturb this peace. A tower could be seen within the scenery as robots could be seen emerging from the eerie tower and onto the platform as if to stop a certain someone. One by one lights emit from the tower and illuminates the surrounding feild. The machines begin to move readying their weapons to shoot at any intruders from foiling Dr Eggmans schemes.

A blue blur is seen leaving the forest and heading full sprint towards Eggmans base. Without time to think the robots begin shooting missiles at Sonic, the missiles fly high only to pummel back into the earth,attempting to stop the hero in his tracks.

Clouds of dust presents itself making it hard for the robots sensors to detect its target. Sonic hops on the robots head before leaping into the air, managing to infiltrate Eggmans base.


Now you may be asking 'Where is Y/N in this situation?' Well they up in the base making fun of Eggman for his failures because he can. :]


For some reason, Eggman thought it would be a wonderful idea to go ahead a ruin my day by kidnapping me and stuffing me into a glass tube, so here I am sitting upside down against the glass in pure boredom. Now Espio is going to be on my ass about not coming back with breadsticks.

I sigh to myself, imagining Espio giving me a pep talk for not coming back and worrying everyone. I look back to the bald egg and see him grumbling to himself, I assume its about Sonic getting through his security measure. 'I could use an energy drink right now.' Just as im about to say something the door ooens revealing a robot holding what seems to be a sack.

"DR EGGMAN SIR." The doctor looks back briefly to see who was disturbing him at the moment.     "Ah yes Eggbot 303, you can throw them in the tube next that one.."
I furrow my brows as to what he referred to me as.

I glanced to the side of me to see a little rabbit girl with a chao. My eyes widen in shock realising it was Cream and Cheese and quickly averted my eyes back to Eggman whilst also getting up from my position.

"YOU KIDNAPPED A CHILD?! YOU PHSYCO!" I screamed at him while banging my fists onto the glass. He seems to ignore me continuing on stopping the hedgehog. I look over to the Cream seeing she was scared. I try to get her attention to try and calm her down.

"Hey Cream.. You ok?" She looks over to me and nods slighty holding onto her chao for comfort. "I didn't know you were here too Mx Y/N.." I chuckle to myself, "Yeah well this wasn't really in my schedule." An idea popped into my head,smirking to myself at the plan. "But don't worry Cream! Sonic will 100% beat baldys as- uh i mean butt and come to our rescue!" I say to Cream purposely increasing my volume to get on the mans nerves.

He shot me a glare as i looked away whistling playfully. "What did you say you dirty rodent!?"
I put a hand on my chest as if he just hurt my feelings. "O how you wound me so! But you heard me, Sonic will beat you to a pulp and save the day because he has millions of times before this one so whats makes this any different?" He was about to say something back but is interrupted by one of his robot lackeys.

"Dr. Eggman, the facility is in 100% lockdown." Decoe explains, Eggman looks over to the skinny robot and gives a frustrated sigh.

"Why does that cursed Sonic always get in my way!?" I snicker to myself going to make a comment but Cream beats me to it. "He doesnt get in your way, Dr. Eggman. Sonic just tries to stop you from doing all the bad things you like to do." I look over and give a thumbs up.

"Oh, is that so?" He turns himself around to face us while also revealing a chaos emerald.
"Well he's too late to stop me this time. Once I insert the last Chaos Emerald, my Energy Amplifier will be invisible!" I stare at him with a bored look "Thats a dumb name.." Eggman irks glaring at me once again before Cream continuing her rant.

"But you can't do that!" Cheese agrees with her as he's still being held for comfort. "That's right! Sonic won't let you get away with this!" I give Cream a look of confusion wondering how she understands cheese. Eggman laughs mockingly which gains my attention.

"You're wrong Creamy Dreamy. He can't stop-" Eggman yelps as he's interrupted by an explosion that was caused by the one and only Sonic. "Took you long enough.." Mumbling to myself as Creams screams his name in excitement.

"Sonic.. too late!" He grunts inserting the last Chaos Emerald
while also pressing some last minute buttons in a really silly way making me sweatdrop. He graps a detonator of some kind and leans on the table facing Sonic in a cocky way.

"You'll never stop me now Sonic! All I have to do is push this little button. He states laughing mid sentence. I look over to Sonic seeing him smile smugly.
"Yeah.. if you can push it before i grab it!" Eggman deflates a bit before smiling which confuses me. "Ah. Why dont you give it a try?" Before anything else is said a robot that appeared out of no where starts shooting leading me to get down to avoid being shot.

"CREAM GET DOWN!" She did as instructed and before long my glass tube got shot shattering it while also leaving me with some cuts. I swiftly got up and ran over to Creams tube to try and get her out.

"What have you done!?" Making me look over my shoulder to see what was happening only to be met with a bright light and panicked faces. Soon enough the light began to consume everyone.

"I could really use that energy drink right about now.." I managed to say before getting encased into the light with everyone else.



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🦝Why is there an oversized racoon in our bin?🦝 -- ✨️SonicX x Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now