MHA meet team Multiverse

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Jack said "I'm gonna spend some time in another universe for a while"

Bakugo said "and your just gonna leave us here "

Jack said "no" he said as he open another portal "there is some people that would like to meet you"

Deku said "why us"

Jack said "well...I...don't really know...why but that said that they wanted to meet you"

Allmight said "Who is this team"

Jack said "this team is the fastest, the smartest, the strongest and expert multiverse travellers and warriors"

Deku said "cool"

Bakugo said "tch like they're stronger than me"

Jack just said nothing as he turn around and shook his head with a smirk while looking back at Bakugo and he went though the portal and said "oh I wish I could see you get knock around"

As the cast of MHA walk though that saw a Skeleton look a piece of paper said "what should I draw" A elder man read a book on a sofa and man in a orange fighting gi punch a sandbag and hedgehog run on treadmill and blue headed kid talking with pibby before he notice them

Boyfriend said "beep beep bop"

Goku stopped and looked as did sonic as his stopped his treadmill and ran over to them and said "hi I'm sonic sonic the hedgehog and this goku,ford,ink,BF and pibby

Ford said "hello it is nice to meet you so which here is the smartest student and staff *Momo and Nezu stepped forward* ah good I might need your help with something"

Bakugo was looking at Goku with a scowl Goku noticed and said "you need something for me" 

Bakugo said "Jack said you are the strongest but I think that's a lie you look weak so fight me"

"look you don't fight me and that anger might blinded you mess you up in a fight" said Goku as deku was writing it all down

Bakugo replied "like I care what you think come at me full power"

Goku sighed and said "alright suit yourself"

Sonic when up to the rest and said "you might wanna stand back a bit"

Bakugo got in to a fight stance while Goku powered up into mastered ultra instinct

Bakugo got in to a fight stance while Goku powered up into mastered ultra instinct

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Goku said "so you ready"

Bakugo got nervous and scared just by looking at Goku but Bakugo keep his composure and started to use his quirk on Goku with it doing no damage and Goku just standing with the same look on his face

"I guess its my turn" said Goku as Bakugo started shitting himself scared

Goku flew at Bakugo and hit him in the stomach and knocked out Bakugo with just one hit and powered down back in to his base form walked away

Izuku asked "sonic what was that"

Sonic said "Goku called it ultra Instinct and I have no idea how fast it is but for some odd reason a normal person can not see it move but I can, I mean I wouldn't the fastest thing alive if I couldn't"

Iida said "wait fastest thing alive"

sonic said "yep sonic the hedgehog fastest thing alive and before you ask yes my speed is natural and my shoes were made to work with my speed in mind"

*meanwhile with ford*

Nezu said "I said ford you research is really interesting, I mean the multiverse being real"

Ford said "well the only reason I'm doing this is so I can help out pibby with the darkness swallowing worlds and some thing Jack found a drew a picture of" and then pulled out a picture

Ford said "well the only reason I'm doing this is so I can help out pibby with the darkness swallowing worlds and some thing Jack found a drew a picture of" and then pulled out a picture

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Momo said "that looks weird"

Ford said "I thought so to but then Jack just ran in to another universe and never came back for about an hour so I have no idea what he had done"

Nezu said "so what is this portal about I going to try and see what Jack saw and see if I can make any sense out of it"

Momo said "well we wish the best of luck after we finish you with this portal"

Ford said "of course and thank you for your help"

*a few hours later*

"All right I think about you guys got back" said ink sans

"How come" mina asked

ink sans said "Jack texted me and said he was on his way back"

The cast said goodbye to team multiverse and was back in the theatre as Jack came back with Charlie and pibby on a pink lion and Izuku asked "what happened"

Jack said "I ran in to pibby deku again"

Mina asked "can you show us"

Jack said "okay lion take Charlie and pibby back to base"   

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