Side chapter:MHA meet Jakku Z Kido (my anime OC)

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(the picture at the top is what he looks like)

as everyone waited for the new arrival of the visitor some were trying to picture what he would look like then he arrived in a flash of light and look fairly normal expect he had a horn stick out the side of his head but still looked normal for some one who beat all of team Goku

Jakku said while waving" there"

everyone just waved back as all girls apart from eri blushed at a loss for words how some so normal could be so strong

Deku asked "how strong are you"

Jakku said "I don't really know how strong I am but I have manged to calculate my power in to percentages, here you go" and give deku the list of his power in percentages deku look at the one that was a 100% and froze in fear as he realised the one that beat all of team Goku was part god and part demon and was also a king

(if you need a a list, here)

Jakku at 1% Power=Normal human

Jakku at 10% Power=Izuku Midoriya 100%

Jakku at 30% Power=Younger Toguro

Jakku at 50% Power=All might

Jakku at 80% Power= Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku

Jakku at 100% Power=Demon king Demi god

Jakku said "Now I would like to know your names"

Iida was the first to walk up to him and said "Well my name tenya iida"

"My name is Todoroki" Todoroki said

Jakku look straight at Momo and said "now who are you miss"

Momo said "Momo Yaoyorozu"

Jakku said "well Miss Yaoyorozu it very nice to me you" Then kiss her hand like gentleman

Menita got mad at Jakku for try to steal girls that aren't from his universe

Allmight said "you are very nice why is that"

Jakku said "well earth is my home"

Bakugo was look at Jakku and Jakku asked "do you need something"

"Jack said you beat all of team Goku so I wanna se how strong you are" Bakugo said

the hole of the MHA Cast Just look at Bakugo then to deku was make hand gestures say "no,don't,that is a bad idea"

Jakku said "trust me you don't want this"

Bakugo snapped back "I don't care you look weak so I'm much strong than you"

Deku face palmed and thought "might as well see Bakugo die"

Jakku said "okay suit your self, I'll take you on"

standing outside from the café from they took a break after universe 19

Jakku was standing still while Bakugo was ready

Bakugo said "get ready to die you weakling"

Jakku said "how about we go all out, lets kill each other so come with your full power and what's more I won't have to move from this spot"

Bakugo rush at Jakku with a close fist glowing Jack threw a punch yell "Gamer punch"

Their fist collide sent a shockwave blow Bakugo back but he landed on his feet Bakugo start use his explosion to fly towards Jakku and Jakku just said Gamer blast and fired a laser beam at Bakugo and Bakugo wasn't able to dodge and took the blast head on and fell to the ground 

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