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word count - 2665


"Come on, boys stop being a bunch of babies" I said hopping off the ride we had just gone on. Mike and Dustin begged me to come to this stupid carnival.

I didn't want to, but Dustin kinda mentioned that y/n was coming, so I didn't really have a choice. Though I didn't want to make it too obvious, that's the only reason I came.

Dustin turned around as we walked, "I just want something to eat." I roll my eyes at the boy in front of me, handing him a 20-dollar bill.

"hey! why does Dustin get money ?". Mike said, giving me a look.

"It's not just for him," I said, with my hands on my hips as I stared at the both of them

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"It's not just for him," I said, with my hands on my hips as I stared at the both of them.

Dustin just smiled and ran to the food truck with Mike running after him. "Don't use all of it," I yell, shaking my head, as I turn around, leaning against the wall. I shove my hand in my pocket, pulling a cigarette out.

Those kids were gonna be the death of me, I swear. I was always giving Dustin money which I didn't mind. It just is a lot sometimes. I don't know how Harrington does it.

I inhale my cigarette after lighting it, shoving my hand in my pocket. It was pretty fucking chilly out, and I only brought my leather jacket to wear.

My eyes wandered the area I was in and instantly stopped.

There she was.

A laugh escaped y/n's mouth as she sat next to Robin on one of the spinning rides. I smiled a little taking the cigarette away from my lips.

The ride was moving pretty fast, but I could still see her smile from a mile away. As long as she was happy, I felt absolutely fine.

There was no stopping this now; I was in too deep. I was trying my best not to. I just couldn't help myself, and it just happened. All I wanted to do was be around y/n as much as possible.

I mean for chris shake she pissed me off, but I do a great job dealing with it. No matter how hard I tried to keep my distance from her, it was hard.

I looked at her neck to see she had covered up her hickeys from the night before. Is she ashamed of them?

Object of Desire // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now