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Seattle, 1990

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Seattle, 1990

Cheers and yelling are ringing through your ears.

Lights are flashing down, and people are behind you, rushing around.

You couldn't help but smile as you stood behind the stage as Corroded Coffin finished the last song. A big smile rests on your face as Eddie jumps around the stage. His guitar rests around him, clapping his hands together.

A ring rests on your finger as your hold your hand to your chest, watching the boys in their element. Eddie had just proposed to you last weekend.

Instead of doing something super fancy. He took the ring out while you both were sitting in the car after one of his concerts. He kept telling you how much he loved you and none of this wouldn't have bene possible if you didn't push him.

Yet Eddie kept apologizing over and over that it wasn't super special, but it was to you.

It didn't matter if he made a big proposal or not because all that mattered to you was him. All the sweet rambles coming out of his mouth was enough for you.

You couldn't help but feel so much at that moment. It didn't take long for you to say yes. It was instant and something you've always wanted.

Eddie's voice instantly rings through your ears as he starts to talk into the microphone.

"y/n, would you please come out?", He says, looking over at you, and your heart starts to pound inside your chest.

You start walking forward onto the stage with so many thoughts in your head. The crowd's yelling is astounding, and many people are smiling at you.

Eddie holds his hand out, and you gently take it as he pulls you into him. "My beautiful fiancé," he says into the crowd, making them go even crazier.

A bunch of 'i love you's' and other compliments are thrown at you as you stand on stage.

Eddie finally made it after years of practice and hard work.

He did it.

Your eyes look over to see Gareth and Jeff with smiles as they stare at the two of you. It made you incredibly happy to be there at that moment.

Seeing them do their best and make their way to the top. Everyone always doubted them back home, but you never did.

Eddie placed a kiss on your cheek as he continued to talk to his fans. That was his favorite thing to do and to talk about you.

You look over at the curly-haired male as a bandana is wrapped around his head. Love was flowing through your entire body.

Never in a million years would you have thought to be here right now, on stage with Corroded Coffin.

You finally got out of that shitty trailer park with Max getting away from your drunken mother.

Your sister was now attending college in NYC with El right alongside her. That Eddie decided to pay for without you knowing. Though you've never been so proud of Max for accomplishing so much.

The amount of love you had for Eddie was insane. It made you forget about all the negative things. You were finally in a good place.

You didn't have to worry about money and if you were gonna be kicked out of the house anymore. It was all you ever wanted, a place of your own to have.

Eddie was your home, your safe place.

He always was this entire time. No matter how much you argued or said you hated each other. It was just one big lie.

The truth was you both really needed each other. As much as you didn't want to admit that, you finally realized it after all these years.

You both needed one another to pick up the pieces that were broken.

All the pain went away with time. It finally didn't affect you as much as you thought. No matter how many fights you had or pissed each other off. Eddie stood by you no matter what.

It always came down to being there for each other. It was desire. You wanted him but couldn't bring yourself to think that.

He was Eddie; he was the loud neighbor across the street who pissed you off intentionally.

And now he's suddenly your future husband.

You lean over to press a kiss onto Eddie's lips as you stand on the bright stage. A smile rests on his face as you pull away.

"they would never believe we used to hate each other," you say, making him chuckle, shaking his head.

And it was true.

The love you felt for Eddie was like no other. It made you feel whole, and nothing else even mattered but that.

Before walking off stage, Eddie pulled you into another kiss, whispering, 'I love you' in your ear. A smile stays placed on your flustered face as you turn to walk off.

You give everyone a small wave and make your way backstage. A breath leaves your lips as you stand there, shaking your head.

Hate can sometimes be a cover-up, something that is said when you don't want to admit the truth. It was hard to realize how many feelings you had for Eddie.

As much as he pissed you off, you couldn't help but want the brown doe-eyed male across the trailer park.

And now here you stand watching the love of your life living his dream with you alongside him.

The End.


Thank you all so much for your love and support. I appreciate you all that have followed me from my other books.

Please don't be shy to comment, I love to interact with you all.

I love you all so much <3 I hope you enjoyed this cute little ending.

This book was pretty fun to make and I enjoyed writing it so much. As much as I didn't want to end it, I knew I had to eventually.

**A new book is already in the works. If you would like to read that it's available to add to your library.

Stayed tuned for 'a place to call home'

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