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••word count - 2247••

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word count - 2247

Halloween was coming pretty fast. The whole school was decorated in orange and black. It was honestly my favorite holiday. As much as I didn't want spooky season to end, at least it would be snowing soon.

I still wasn't sure what I was gonna dress up as, and the kids practically begged me to go tricking treating with them. I just couldn't say no to them, especially not Dustin.

The biggest news around Hawkins high this morning, though, was Chrissy and Jason breaking up. I didn't understand all the fuss, but it was apparently pretty bad.

Chrissy was the most liked girl in school, so she was bound to have boys gawking all over her now. I mean, she was the captain of the cheerleading team and had the perfect everything it seemed.

I guess she realized how much of a dick Jason was and finally let him go.

As I stood by my locker, I looked over to Robin as she held her coffee in her hands, "I just think Steve should lay off the girls for a while."

Closing my locker, I put a hand on my hip, "Why don't you tell them that yourself?". I shake my head as she stares at me.

"Because he would get offended, but that's literally all he seems to know," Robin sighs, pressing the cup to her lips before talking again

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"Because he would get offended, but that's literally all he seems to know," Robin sighs, pressing the cup to her lips before talking again. "it's definitely because Nancy ripped his heart out."

I rolled my eyes at her words listening to everything else she was telling me. While Robin continued talking, my eyes wandered to the door to see Eddie.

His eyes instantly locked with mine, and a smile formed on his face.He tilted his head back to signal me to skip with him, and I gave him a small wink.

I couldn't help but smile back before looking back over at Robin. "Buckley, we're gonna be late to class. I'll see you later, okay?".

She nodded with a smile before pecking my cheek and leaving me alone by my locker. I fixed my backpack strap before making my way over to the door. Eddie was nowhere to be found, and I sighed.

Object of Desire // Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now