two; fast women and slow horses

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Slow women and fast horses were the story to every man's success.

There are only a few things that will truly ruin someone's life. Fast women and slow horses were the two that the Shelby boys were constantly told about- granted telling eight year olds about how fast women would ruin their lives wasn't necessarily morally correct but Arthur Shelby didn't have the clearest of lines between morality and immorality.

Slow horses on the other hand- well that was privy information for the youngsters dreaming of taking over their mothers family betting shop.

A few months prior, for Sebastian's birthday, they had (including Polly), all gone down to the racetracks to watch some of the country's best. Horses had always been something the Shelby boys had such passion for, but Sebastian more so than the rest.

His mother used to joke and say that he was destined to be a horse whisperer; a God to all jockeys, but really- he felt most comfortable around his four legged friends as apposed to the two legged foe that seemed to flock to the Shelby name.

"Looks like Bright Spark is set to lose his race after that winning streak." John called out from one side of the betting den.

Bright Spark had helped to see an extra hundred or so pounds enter Sebastian's bank account on his birthday, so to hear that he wasn't going to preform to his usual high standard made the Shelby boy frown.

"Bet our Bash could fix that horse no problem." Finn called out from behind the sliding door that separated the den from the kitchen.

Luckily for them all, they hadn't yet opened their doors for the morning rush of gamblers.

Ada, who had been sat beside the youngest of the lot, scowled, silently scorning the child who didn't really know any better. All it took was one sibling to give away that there was another way in and out of the betting shop and it was as good as game over for them.

"He probably could but he won't have time to get down there." Tommy replied to Finn whilst popping his head round the door, frightened those in the other room in the process.

Given the chance to save a horse that has literally made him more money than he had seen in a long time, he'd jump at it but no one would trust a man from Small Heath of all places to help a horse that makes its owner thousands. No one would trust someone- especially a gypsy, with a horse.

Sebastian walked from the quote-unquote 'bankers room', to the kitchen with haste, unwilling to be apart of the conversation from so far away.

"If I was given the chance, you can bet your money that I'd either fix the horse or break it more-" Bash added into the conversation before the mindless chatter continued.

In amongst the talk of horses (and money), the race just a little over a month ago and what they were all going to eat later that day, the bells chimed for the betting shop half of the buildings. The sound wasn't heard by most, other than Polly, who left to investigate and hadn't returned.

What had gained everyone's attention was the talking that was growing in volume as every sentence passed. A man's voice was the most audible amongst the clatter of the streets both behind and in front of Watery Lane, a quieter but far posher female voice than Aunt Pols was the next.

The betting shop didn't open for another hour yet, so whatever the disgruntled customer was after could wait.

Tommy was the first to leave the kitchen, followed by Arthur who wielded a well loved rolling pin which he hid rather well behind his broad back. Sebastian stayed with Finn and Ada, listening as carefully as he was able to whilst having his back to the opened door.

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