Mystic Mayhem

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3rd pov

(Also, you're 7 years old)

"AAHHHH!" You shouted in fear from the weapon you held. "Freeze!" A girl's voice exclaimed and everything froze in place. "You maybe wondering 'What the heck is going on?! Who is that little girl? Why are they screaming? Why are there four humanoid turtles, a female teen, and this Aztec looking guy there?' Well, you see, we're trying to rescue that little creature there in that cage over there." The girl said as it turned to show a creature with mustard yellow, blue, and red colored fur. "And as you can see... everything isn't going according to plan, even though there was no plan. Hi, my name is Y/n, I'm 7 years old, and I'm that very little girl there." Y/n said as it now showed her. "How I ended up here? Well... let me start from where the journey first began." Y/n said.

~Rewind time!~

Y/n's pov

I was in an alleyway, sitting on the ground with my knees up to my chest. I wiped the tears away from my eyes and pulled out a photo of me and my mom. In the photo, we had flour all over the both of us from baking that cake for dad. Sadly, he died from cancer. "I miss you, mom. I wish that you didn't die." I said. I lean against the wall, putting the photo back into my backpack. I placed the back of my head on the wall as I looked up into the setting sun sky. I looked away from the sky and grabbed my mother's necklace that's around my neck, the last thing I have of her. "I wish that I can have a family again. Maybe have something more in my life than a normal one, and a miserable one." I said. I remembered the warning she gave me before she was killed


"Y/n, Watashi no sutāfaia, you need to take this." She said as she put the necklace above my head and dropped it, letting it hang around my neck. "If you see someone with a foot symbol on their face, whatever you do, don't let them take it." She said as she grasped my shoulders. "Do you understand?" She asked me. "Yes, Hahaoya." I said as I nodded my head with a determined look on my face. "Good. Now, we need to move!" She said as we went down the ladder of our apartment. We ran as fast as we could. I don't know what's going on, but I'm not going to question it. "Y/n!" Mom exclaimed and got in front of me, with her front side facing me. Then, to my utter horror, a sword stabbed her, right in the heart. "Go." She said in a hushed tone. I did nothing but ran as I was told, and I didn't look back.

Flashback end

I letting out a sigh. I was about to take a nap, but all of a sudden, I hear a squeak. I opened my eyes and saw that it was an animal of some sort? I don't know. Its fur had mustard yellow, blue, and bright red colors, and it had this vile, that's tied to a rope, around its neck. "Hey, are you lost?" I asked as I held my hand out, showing I'm no threat. It sniffed my and rubbed its head into it. I pulled my hand away, then it disappeared and reappeared in my lap. "Whoa!" I exclaimed in surprise. "That's a cool trick." I said in a soft tone and scratched it's chin, which it seemed to enjoy.

"This way." I heard a voice said. It sounded like he had a heavy Russian accent. The animal flinch. I got up on my feet and put my backpack on, and held onto the weird animal. Then these two guys were stalking their way towards us, like they're going to pounce, and they had these dogs strapped to them. The animal was shaking in my arms. They threw themselves at us, but then we teleported behind them, out of the alleyway, and they landed on the ground. I didn't even wait for a second, and made a run for it, with the animal still in my arms.


3rd/Y/n's pov

I think we lost them. We were now at an empty construction site. You still held the creature in your arms and it was shaking with a worrisome expression and I held an expression that screamed 'protective' with a bit of caution.

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