Chapter one: The backstory

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James Buchanan Barnes, everyone feared him, his antics of being the Winter Soldier stuck around. Everyone noticing him almost instantly from that metal arm glinting in the catch of the sunlight.

He thought he'd never get anything, anything ever again. That was until the day he met you. Bucky needed to have you in his life the moment his eyes caught sight of your grey sweatpants above your belly button, the black sports bra paired with it along with the falling sweat.

You ran. He thought to himself, or some other sort of cardiovascular activity. He couldn't even break away his gaze, not even when you caught him staring, a smile forming on your seemingly perfect lips that he now couldn't seem to break away from.

Slowly a few steps towards his way caught his attention, a chuckle resounding deeply from his chest. He didn't wear a glove today, nor a leather jacket.

"Y/n Y/l/n." your voice was polite, dainty, breathy pants coming from your mouth. You looked down noticing the metal connected to his shoulder. His face dropped almost instantly.

"James.. well actually Bucky, Bucky Barnes." Bucky.. his name struck a cord, like you knew him, but you couldn't put your finger on it. Slowly your finger drifted down the artificial prosthetic, listening to the whirring of the plates having a somehow calming effect on you.

Suddenly the thought entered your head "Winter Soldier." if anything, Bucky knew a look of realization when he saw one, the frown lines on his forehead appearing up once more. But, the thing that surprised him was, you never retracted your hand. Fingertips lingered on metal, eyes lingered on lips.

"You got a nice arm Buck.." the words coming from you were merely angelic as you spoke, god he never wanted to get away from you.

And he didn't. The next few months were packed full of dates, meet-ups, hookups only with each other. You swore them off after the day you met Bucky.

Then, the best day of your life (or so you thought) came when he asked you to be his, officially, his girlfriend, his doll, his everything.

It all felt so surreal to Bucky, the way you cherished him, his arm even. His metal arm. The one made for killing you loved to hold, have him run it down your back while you cuddled with him. Hold your hands above your head or placed on your throat while he fucked you slow and hard at the same time.

Bucky Barnes was in love. With you. Everything about you. Your giggles, your stomach, your arms, thighs. Oh god Bucky loved your thighs. His favourite place to lay his head while you spooned him, running your fingers through his hair softly while he enjoyed the feeling of your soft skin on his stubbly cheek.

He was absolutely enamoured. Whenever he went back to the compound Steve called him smitten for this mystery girl he had yet you meet.

Oh but fuck, he was smitten. For you. His heart fluttered the moment he saw you. Everyday he craved your touch over his body, soothing his tense muscles.

And then he could feel it all the time when you asked him to move in with you, he never felt a happier feeling (or so he thought). He had very little things at the compound, a few clothing items and his dog tags, pictures of him and Steve all fit in one box.

When his things littered your apartment, he loved it, now his photos of Steve and him littered around the banisters, pictures of you and him as well on each of your anniversaries.

The one soon coming up marking the 4th year, he planned to do something enticing. Something he should've done the day he met you. Incase you ever slipped through his fingers.

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