Chapter two: My girl too

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Bucky made his way through the small, quaint town, the engine of his car reverberated through the streets, until the loud engine pulled beside your house, parked against the curb, standing up you see his short cropped hair, muscles seemingly bigger than they were. He wore a blue Henley, a pair of black jeans. Only thing missing was his key leather jacket.

You moved around the house, cleaning up the clutter. Aphrodite was playing in the living room, giggling at the cartoons while dolls preoccupied her hands. Your head turned as you heard a knock, walking over taking a deep breath, before opening the door you closed your eyes. Your hand slowly twisted the handle open.

There he was. Your ex-husband.

"Dolly, it's good to see you again." his voice was gruff, and deep. Thick and rich like honey.

"James. Wish I could say the same. What are you doing here?- and how did you even get my address?"

"Nice to know you're still stuck up. To answer your first question, I'm here to see my daughter, I'm her father and I haven't seen her for three years. Second; Stark."

That little son of a bitch. Of course Stark gave Bucky your address. You sighed, looking back over at your angel, her hair braided stopping at the back of her head, tied off where instead the rest of her hair ended in two pigtails. You looked over at Bucky.

"Sorry, she's not here right now. Come back another time, or don't. I prefer the latter though." You smiled before shutting the door in his face, locking it you walked over to your girl. Her big doe smokey blue eyes that matched her fathers scarily well, looked up at you.

Her hands made grabby motions, you picked up the toddler placing her against your hip, listening to her breaths. It always seemed to calm you listening to how peaceful she was, peaceful and well kept. Very opposite to her parents.

You could sense Bucky's presence lingering at the door, he knew. Your chest heaved in a large sigh before you opened the doors again, Aphrodite's hands laid on your shoulder. Her gaze set on the mysterious man she didn't know in the hallway.

"Mama who?" her chubby finger pointed to Bucky, his smile grew.

"Dytie, this is your dad."

Her eyes grew while she looked at you, her legs kicking to be set on the ground. The moment she set you down, she ran to the arms of her father.

"Dada!" though she never met him, she was little, no clue of what happened between the two of you.

"Oh look at you. Your mom chose a special name- that's for sure." your cold eyes glared at Bucky's while he shot you a smirk. The metal of his hand glinting on your daughters back.

"Yeah? Well at least I chose a god damn name. And for your information, it suits her." some days, when you thought about it, you'd imagined Bucky the perfect family guy, holding babies in his hands while you two shared the perfect life.

When you thought about that, you drifted. Other times you prevented your mind from drifting. You needed to.

But as you watched him with your daughter, she just knew it was her dad. For a moment life seemed perfect until Bucky's voice pulled you from the little imagination you had set in your head.

"Hey- hello?" his voice drawled at his fingers snapped in front of your face, you looked up at him. Your throat cleared nervously, now remembering everything that properly happened repeated in your brain.

"He forgot."
"He didn't care."
"He didn't, care."

"What could you possibly need now?" your cold, unfazed demeanour restored inside your body, as if nothing had happened.

"Sheesh, you pregnant again?" your eyes stared at him, it wasn't even his fault. At this point you couldn't even see him, or else everything would flood back.

"Get out. Take Aphrodite somewhere- take her out and let her know her dad." You have Aphrodite's head a kiss before looking at Bucky, ushering our the door as quickly as possible.

This co-parenting thing, was going to be so much harder than you'd imagined.



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