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After four days of working at 'The Hollywood Lounge,' I was finally starting to get the hang of things slowly but definitely surely.

Folks got their drinks on time, in order, no free compensation, and little to no spillage. Well, there may have been more than a little spillage. Balancing several drinks on a tray with one hand ain't as easy it looked. Rochelle was surprisingly understanding though in it.

But the strangest part of it all...Levi didn't say anything bad either.

No sarcastic comments, no teasing banter I was growing accustomed to, and the only time he practically looked at me lately was when I was far away from him taking others orders—but quickly turned away as I kept glancing over to notice.

I was so terrified that there might be a problem, I didn't want to bring it up.

But after numerous glances from each other and hardly no talking unless it was over a drink, enough was enough. If we were gonna keep working together peacefully, we had to address the big elephant in the room.

It was now approaching closing time, and I refused to go another day with this going on.

"Thank you for the lovely drink! One of the best I had in a long time." A woman said to me as I took her nearly empty glass.

Wow. Maybe I should've drank the one he made for me too. Though he'd already beat me to it during his break that day and consumed it himself before I even had the chance.

"Well I'm glad you liked it! Maybe next time I can offer another." I tried to upsell by ensuring she'd be back. Also part of my new routine.

She snickered and shook her head kindly. "Oh I probably won't. There's a new joint down the road that has a live band now playing every night and great booze."

Great. Honestly, this was the fourth time someone mentioned it tonight to me. We had instruments too. Yet, I'm not entirely sure if anyone here really knew how to work'em. But still.

"How fun!" I tried to sound even a little excited. Though the way she stared at me before leaving, I didn't think she bought it.

Sighing to myself, I nodded and headed back over to the bar as Levi was indulged with his writing like always. Okay, now was time. I could do this. "We should really get someone who knows how to play instruments." I suggested putting down the tray on the counter.

Smirking, he glanced up and eyed me knowingly. "Like I said..."

"Too many staff members." We both let out in unison. 

But that was it. He goes back to his work. Nothing more. This had to end now.

"Okay! That's it! I'm just gonna come out and say it!"

"Please don't..." He pleaded. See?! Now please? He was definitely hiding something.

"You've been rather quiet and nice to me since that man a few days ago, and it's starting to freak me out. Care to clarify why?"

He chuckled and turned his full attention toward me with a flushed look—probably realizing he'd just been caught. "I've got a lot of work to get done. Besides, regarding that fella little doll, I could've just not liked his funky little attitude." Now it was my turn to stare at him knowingly. Though not taking his eyes off me, he sighed shyly shrugging. "W-w-w-well maybe you're starting to grow on me. Ever think about that? Huh?! No!" I pierced my eyes into him more. And at that moment, he cracked like an egg. "Okay fine! This is clearly pointless now." He muttered, tilting his head down shamefully, before glancing back up. "Alright! Ya caught me! You're not too bad of a waitress...or a person. Quite a nice refreshing change around here, if ya ask me."

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