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"I need ya to do me a favor

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"I need ya to do me a favor." I told Heather, who was overseeing the breakfast menu at our favorite dining joint.

It had been a few days since my very intimate dream and little moment with Ivy in how I almost, how we almost—I didn't even want to go there. Better yet why even dwell on it, if it was all that it appeared to be?

A very vivid and wild dream along with a heated exchange that followed shortly after.

I mean, no! Not a dream at all. But I didn't know what to call it. I'd never had feelings like this before. It was like I was me but not me at the same time. 

When we were at the piano, I must've gotten so wrapped in her every sweet breath she took that was becoming closer to mine. I was careless. But it was for the best Shelly stopped us when she did.

However, I still managed to try to at least fix a few things to rise above it.

"You mean like marrying you Levi? Too late." Heather joked.

I let out a slight chuckle, still unknowingly to her wrapped in a completely different predicament. "Well uh...close to it." I timidly corrected. She shot her gaze up to me smiling. Okay, here I go. "Remember when I told ya at the party that night—that I should try to reach out to my parents again? Just to see it they even changed a bit from the last time we spoke." She nodded, paying her attention back to the food options. "Well...they responded back to me with a letter." I grinned, somewhat proud I even tried.

Ivy's words that night about giving them another chance someone burned into my cranium than my surprising desire for me to touch her so much apparently.

After having the knowledge of her family life, it just made mine so trivial.

Maybe they did want to patch things up with me.

It was the only plausible theory I had of why they even responded, once I told them all about Heather. I just left out my current and new job position.

Shocking enough, it was all that was needed. And who knows? Once I tell her my new plans and if it all goes well, Ivy would be way out of my head.

"In fact, they want to see us both! It would mean the world for them to meet their future daughter-in-law, right? So what do ya say?! Will ya go with me? Please?!" I pleaded.

"I would love to go Levi! But you know I have to work a lot lately. I can't just back out of that now." She replied, not even looking back up to me.

"Well considering I never even told ya when yet..." I trailed off, taken aback for a moment.

I thought she out of all people would understand how important this would be for me.

For us.

Putting down the menu, she began stirring her the beloved tea she made me buy like three cups for her already. "Well, does it have to be anytime soon?" She then started to fidget.

"Well do ya prefer I'd wait six months from now? I don't want them to changed their minds." 

"No, I just don't know why you're still considering to follow through with it. I figured you'd changed yours and decide not to anymore, with all the pressure it would add. You are known for being a very fearful kind of man." She pointed out.

Even if that was true, I wanted to for once change it up a bit and do more. Try to be different and be brave like Ivy was. I wouldn't be able to cope with half of what she had gone through.

"Come on, the only reason why they probably said yes was because I told them everything about ya." I reasoned.

"Well I'm sorry Levi but some of us actually still have to work as the lawyer you didn't want to be, instead of playing around with music all day." She briefly snapped.

She always got like this when she felt pressured to do something. And though I didn't want her to be too upset with me, I really needed her by my side for this kind of thing.

Was I really being the one unreasonable?

"Hey, we've gone over this. Okay? I'm not playing around! We bring in crowds every night at the lounge." I was quick to defend.

"But do you bring in a lot of cash right now too? Look Levi, you say you'll make it big and I believe you—but I've been thinking more about it and what if you also don't? What will you do to get back all that squandered time? Now yes, you know I don't care what you want to do with your time, but don't try to change mine. Please. You can surely go alone, right? Rekindle your own relationship with them."

Yeah right. If I go alone I'd probably fear losing it with them for writing me off all these years. But if I backed out now, they'll surely believe I wasn't as serious as I made it seem when reaching out, and make everything between them even worse.

Though if she really didn't want to go, then fine.

"Ya know, it's okay. Sorry I even asked. I'll figure it out." I just concluded.

Yet, I didn't know how...or did I?

Sighing out loud as I found myself admiring her radiating good looks, I tried to lean in for a kiss from her to feel something was actually well...real.

Though the moment I thought I could, Heather just pulled away kindly shaking her head. "Oh thank you honey, but right now the bank's closed and I'm very famished. Can't we just have a lovely evening meal together instead?"

Observing her eyes, I could tell she really wasn't trying to. It was rather odd. Not that I didn't think I was some wild bachelor by any means, but we used to be all over each other—day through night sometimes.

Although for a while now even before I met Ivy, it was like we were becoming somewhat far apart strangely. It was why I even asked her to marry me. 

I couldn't lose her for whatever the case may be. She had a lot of things going for her.

But I understood for now, I suppose.

If she wasn't feeling it either, I wouldn't force her to.



Heather's acting a little suspicious to me...what about you?

See ya next time! ;)

See ya next time! ;)

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