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As I was finishing putting away the leftover dishes, everyone soon had their meals all squared away while Levi and Jordan kept having a blast of what felt like endless hours of catch, until he finally got one in his hand

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As I was finishing putting away the leftover dishes, everyone soon had their meals all squared away while Levi and Jordan kept having a blast of what felt like endless hours of catch, until he finally got one in his hand.

Though just as I was about to return to the festivities, I suddenly heard his captivating voice almost directly behind me with words I'd hadn't heard in a long time—unless they were 8 years old or under that is.

"Do ya need any help?"

Spinning around out of surprisement, I jumped up a little taken aback. His gaze was beaming back.

"Levi! Oh!, I-I-I got it. Thanks." I shyly replied, trying to tidy up the kitchen to what may be to his liking.

But yet, he kept glancing around while observing the small room without saying anything. Rather, he just nodded so casually.

"Well, do ya mind if I go grab a few drinks from ya icebox? The kiddos out there are getting pretty thirsty, they keep telling me. I think I may be warming up to them." He told me, heading toward my fridge.

Talk about making himself at home. Though surprisingly...I didn't mind it.

"Uh, sure. But ya don't have to do that. You're the guest after all, mister. I can grab it for ya-" I started to say rushing to the icebox myself.

That is until he grabbed my waist and spun me back around to face him.

God, did he always have to get my attention like this?! It was very distracting.

Kindly however, he shook his head. "No, no. Please. Let me get it. Ya seem to have ya hands full anyway. I don't wanna impose more than I have uninvitedly as it is."

Staring at him in a period of silence while he did the same to me, I simply agreed slowly. "It's okay. I uh...I actually appreciate that ya came here to talk, Levi. Not many folks I know further into the city would normally even think to."

"Well what can I say? For ya, I'm not just any folks." He winked as my mind went haywire before he moved past to get the beverages. "But I must say! Ya house is very swanky. I really love it."

"Ya do?" I honestly was astonished.

"Yes! I mean, why would ya think I wouldn't?"

I shrugged unsure. I actually didn't know why. I guess it was a force of habit. But he was surely changing my own way of thinking.

"I just figured you'd think it's nothing fancy-" I started to utter.

He chuckled, closing the icebox door with the items in hand. "Hey, you've been to my place, Ivy. It doesn't have to be. Ya shouldn't be ashamed of where ya live. Certainly ya shouldn't try to impress anyone either, but yourself. As long ya love it...that's all that matters. Right? It shouldn't define who ya are, I personally think." I gratefully grinned. Well if he thought like that, then there was definitely more I'd like to tell him. "Though...may I ask?" He stared timidly. I gave a mystified expression at first before he gestured to the house. "Your family. Now, if memories serve me correctly—ya said your father was no longer here. But ya only said your Mom was in an accident. Does she live here too?"

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