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Taehyung was just looking at you, frowning. You looked back at him. He turned his head towards Lisa.

Taehyung:"Tell me she didn't kiss him back"
Jungkook:"She didn't kiss him back."
Lisa:"How can we get y/n back?"
Taehyung:"There's no way unless .."
Taehyung:"Unless she talks to us-"
Lisa:"You know she won't do that!"
Taehyung:"Yeah But-"
Jungkook:"He probably told her not to or else he'll kill her"
Taehyung:"Why is he marrying her now then?"
Lisa:"To annoy you of course"
Taehyung:"He's getting on my last nerve.. i want my sister back!"
Jungkook:"Maybe if we know where his house is.."
Lisa:"How can we possibly find that out?"
Taehyung:"Maybe set a tracker..?"
Jungkook:"That's genius! To whom?"
Taehyung:"To Jimin.."
Lisa:"What? How? We can't even get near him."
Taehyung:"I know but.. maybe.. kook can help?"
Jungkook:"Do you have a tracker?"
Taehyung:"I think.." He gave a tracker to Jungkook.
Lisa:"Now how are you going to set it on him?"
Jungkook:"I have my ways"
With that Jungkook started walking towards Jimin but The guards stopped him.
Jungkook:"Woah Woah Woah! I'm just trying to congratulate them dudes!"
Jimin:"Oh really?"
The guards took Jungkook to Jimin.
Jungkook:"Happy Married Life.. Mr and Mrs.. Park.." Jungkook gave his hand to shake hands with Jimin. Jimin shook his hand with a smirk but did he know... That Jungkook set a tracker on his suit's sleeve while shaking hands. Y/n looked at Jungkook confused but Jungkook winked at her while no one was noticing and went back to Taehyung and Lisa.

Jungkook:"Easy game"
Taehyung:"You set it?"
Lisa:"You're such a genius kook! Who'd have the thought of setting a tracker while shaking hands?"

Jimin:"Looks like your friend doesn't care anymore does he y/n?"
Y/n:"Why did he do that?...and why was Taehyung frowning at me?"
Jimin:"Because he's mad ... It feels good to see him like that..."
Y/n:"You're a villain"
Jimin:"I know,A handsome one actually.."
Y/n:"You're not handsome."
Jimin:"You'll know that i am when we arrive home"
Y/n:"You call that home? That forest is hell!"
Jimin:"Shut up ... Don't talk loudly"

Lisa:"They live in a forest?"
Jungkook:"I don't think we'll be able to find them.."
Taehyung:"We can't give up now..."
Lisa:"But forests are big.. and there are animals... What if we get killed?"
Jungkook:"Um.. We'll be killing the animals I guess" Jungkook whispered
Taehyung:"Are you crazy? We'll get arrested if we hunt animals.. we're not Jimin to be that cruel"
Lisa:"We're not Jimin but we're us and basically.. who'd come to a forest?"
Taehyung:"I don't know police officers?"
Jungkook:"You're overthinking-"
Taehyung:"I'm overthinking? You're thinking like Jimin! We can't kill poor animals"
Jungkook:"Hyung... Calm down.."
Lisa:"Fine.. we'll just run away then.."
Jungkook:"Look! Jimin and Y/n are leaving!! We need to follow them!!"
The three idiots followed them. In the car. Leading to a forest.. A Dark Forest...
Taehyung:"Um.. what is this place..?" They got off the car.
Lisa:"I think we should leave"
Jungkook:"We can't leave now.."
Taehyung:"I can't even see their car anymore!!! "
Jungkook:"Give me your phone. The tracker is connected to your phone right?"
Taehyung:"Yeah" Taehyung gave his phone to Jungkook.. They were following the tracker but they heard a noise.. of a wolf

Lisa:"RUN!" The  boys and a girl started running like a cheetah.. The wolf didn't stop chasing them though.. They got closer to your house while running but not even realising. The wolf was trying to attack Lisa.

Jungkook threw a stone at the wolf.


Jimin took y/n to the room.

Please skip to next story if your uncomfortable..(no seriously this was feeling so cringey to write)

Jimin threw you on the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. Leaving him shirtless. He then hovered over you and started giving you hickeys. Purple and red marks were around your neck. He ripped your dress apart and looked at you wearing your inner wears shamelessly. You tried covering yourself with a blanket but failed. He took your br@ and p@ntie off. You felt embarrassed and uncomfortable.
He started bitting your b00b$. He licked your cle#v@ge. His hands were roaming on your body.. He went down to your p*$$y and inserted his fingers(Yo this a full sexual education and once again please don't give hate for being too spicy) His fingers were good. He started teasing you. You kept moaning and begging him to stop but he didn't. You c*mmed and he licked it. He started kissing your wet p*$$y. Soon entered his tongue in and started giving ple@sure and p@in..

(Imagine the rest)

With Tae,Lis and Kook

After hitting the wolf several times the wolf changed it's target. It started chasing Jungkook. Jungkook was screaming and running. They all started running and running and they ran till morning... The wolf stopped chasing them.. They all sat down breathing heavily.

The next day

Jungkook:"I'm never going to be cheerful in my life ever again"
Lisa:"I need sleep..."
Taehyung:"GUYS!! I SEE THEIR HOUSE!!!"
Jungkook and Lisa:"WHAT?"
Taehyung:"YES!! LET'S GO!!"

                     To be continued

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