Chapter Five

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The door creaked open, and I lazily opened my eyes to see Snake walking in, smirking like the animal he was. I loathed him.

"Have a good sleep, princess?" he asked mockingly.

I rolled my eyes and attempted to sit up. "What do you want?"

"That's not the right tone to use with your superior. You know that?"

I decided to ignore him.

"It's been two days since I last came in here. I thought you'd be happy to see me."

I sighed. What does he actually want? I already had a plan. After thinking it over for days, I wanted to escape this place.

He smirked and sat down on the small chair next to the bed. "Why don't we properly introduce ourselves? I'm Talon Braylon. I'm Roman Braylon's most trusted man; you can also call me Snake."

I snorted. "Why bother with conversation? Who wants to talk to you? Can't you tell I don't like you? You're not exactly an angel."

His face darkened, and he suddenly grabbed my face, turning me towards him.

"You're such a bitch, you know that? I'm trying to be nice to you. Do you think I usually chat with prisoners? I'd rather have them six feet under. You're lucky I haven't put a bullet in you."

I rolled my eyes and shouted, "Do it now! Why hold back? Just kill me already!"

He obliged, and with a swift motion, he held a gun next to my face, making me gasp. His face twisted into an ugly expression.

"Scared now?"

"You wish." With that, I put my plan into action. I kicked him hard with my knee against his crotch. He dropped the gun reflexively, and I grabbed it, hitting him on the head. I rolled over, grabbed the broom I had hidden under the bed, and hit him again, rendering him unconscious.

Useless! Strong man, my ass!

I didn't bother checking if he was alive or dead as I took the gun and broom as weapons, bracing myself against the door. Taking a deep breath, I opened it. I didn't expect anyone to be there because the idiot had specifically ordered them to leave. He was dangerous, and I didn't want to be in his presence anymore. Bracing myself, I walked into the dim, empty hallway.


Staying in the shadows, I made sure not to be seen. But where was everybody? I had expected there would be someone standing guard. Judging by the light coming through the windows, it was midday. Maybe they were at lunch, not expecting their prisoner to escape.

I froze upon hearing a voice approaching and quickly crouched in a dark corner. A figure strode towards my direction, and I held my breath, praying he wouldn't notice me. As the figure turned my way, I stood up and raised the broom, hitting him hard on the head. He fell to the ground with a thud.

Thankfully, no one heard me. I could have been caught if someone had. I started down the hall again and noticed another window and the entrance door. I couldn't risk going through the door—it was a death trap.

I decided to open the window ledge slowly. Outside, I saw tall grasses and shrubs surrounding the ground.

Where am I?

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