Edaline POV:

When Elwin told me Sophie may not make it, I couldn't think. I couldn't function. My baby girl. She had her whole life ahead of her.

Sophie had always been such a special part of my life. And now I might never see her again. Never hear her voice again. Never hold her in my arms. What I would give to kiss her goodnight, just one more time.

Elwin was keeping Sophie in the healing center. I stayed with her the whole time. She was on what the humans would call, life support. I lay in the bed next to her, holding her hand. Never letting go.

Elwin treated Sophie every day. But by the time 4 weeks had passed, Most of us were giving up hope. 

Fitz had barely left the healing center but Grady hardly ever came in. I think it's just to hard for him to see Sophie like this. I think Fitz took it the hardest though. He blames himself, for being too late. For not getting there in time. I've tried telling him that it isn't his fault and no one blames him, but he just won't believe it. I'm starting to become more and more worried. I've spoken to Alden and Della and the rare times Fitz is home, he won't speak, barely move. He just stares into space. Thinking.

He sits next to me, all day long. As we tell Sophie everything. What's happening back at Havenfield, Tam and Biana's fight (More on that later!), we even brought Iggy in, but she just won't wake up.

Elwin has tried every single elixir made to remove poison, antidotes. Everything. Nothing has made significant changes in her condition though. We managed to detox her body but now she just won't wake up. Her heartbeat so faint it could stop at any moment.

What would we do without our Sophie?

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