Final Chapter AAAAH!

Third Person POV

Sophie and Fitz had been through a lot.

Their whole lives had been shaken up, turned inside out and upside down. But it was finally over, all the pieces had fallen into place, everything was just right.

As the next few months past, the couple enjoyed watching Elodie grow, their family becoming closer together, falling in love with each other again every single day.

They were completely settled into their new house at this point and Sophie had fallen in love with the grounds surrounding their home. Her and Elodie went to walks every morning around the property. Sophie in her dressing gown and uggs and Elodie in the stroller, the two wandering around.

Elodie said her first word (Mallowmelt, not surprising considering her mother's addiction) and took her first steps in the kitchen one day, almost half a year later. By now Elodie was almost 1 year old, and Sophie and Fitz were expecting their second child.

Luckily their second child was planned, unlike Elodie. But of course they loved her with all their hearts.

When they had announced the news to the family, everyone was thrilled, although Grady as always, had to remind Fitz to be careful with Sophie. But of course, Fitz would never let anything happen to the love of his life, his beautiful wife. 

Biana and Tam got engaged just 8 months after Sophie and Fitz's wedding. As soon as Biana told Sophie, the two began jumping up and down screaming. Everyone was thrilled with the news, congratulating the two. Della was over the moon and was constantly showering Tam with hugs and kisses, he had now adopted the title 'darling' from Della and 'son' from Alden. 

Although Biana's father did have a conversation with Tam, a very serious one, about the care of his daughter. Lucky Tam knew how to deal with tough parents and easily won Alden's heart over once again.

Biana then continued to shock them all with the news a month later that she was also pregnant.

Sophie's due date for her baby boy, their second child, was just 3 days before Biana's. The two spent countless hours and days planning and discussing all the fun they were going to have.

Sophie and Fitz's relationship had never been better. They spent many hours talking together, laughing together, crying together. Many late nights watching movies, making out, and occasionally if they had the time... getting a bit hot.

The two felt so close to each other, and not just as a couple, as husband and wife, but as cognates. The two were hoping with all their hearts that Elodie would be a telepath just like the two of them, but of course she could have inherited one, or maybe two, of Sophies growing collection of talents.

And for now, the family of almost four, were able to call it all a happy ending. 

The End


It's over :(

I have loved writing this for all of you over the past couple of years (god it does not feel that long 😭). All of your endless support has meant the world to me. Just seeing all of your comments and the views and votes going up makes my day.

I hope that you have all enjoyed the story I have created between Sophie and Fitz. I have loved writing about it all and creating my own twists to the characters Shannon has built for us all.

I'm still not sure if I will write a second book for the story or whether I'll write a completely different story next, or maybe I will leave it at this.

Sorry the last chapter was a little shorter than usual, I really wanted to use it to sum up the book nicely as well as add a little bit of context for what might be to come. 

Thank you all once again for all your love and support, you are all amazing and I honestly don't know where I would be without you all.

Thank you thank you thank you ❤️

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