The Spa

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Hey guys i know it's been a while and i'm sorry u guys probably hate me but i write this just for you so here you go !!! Enjoy ponies!!

Fluttershy shut the door and started walking to the spa, 5 minutes in she met up with rainbowdash.

Rainbow: Hey flutters u ok?

Flutter: Well i've been better......

Rainbow: Uh oh did that jer,..... i mean discord do something?

Flutter: ...... no it's something i did...... (sniffle)

Rainbow: WOah hold on it's ok ..... do you want talk about it ?

Flutter: "a tear slowly runs down her face" No ...... not here ok ?

Rainbow: "looks at fluttershy with confusion and sympathy" Ok flutters lets just go to the spa ok ?

Flutter: "silently nods and walks and hides under her hair"

∆ Time skip brought to you by gajeel and Levy !! Gale !!!! ∆ By the way this is set after the new season with the map and discord and all the other stuffs.

Finally getting to the spa all the girls were already there. Fluttershy's stomach dropped when she got there because she knew she was upset but she didn't really want to talk about it. "But they're my friends, i don't know what to do " fluttershy thought to herself.

AJ: Umm fluttershy are ya alright sugar cube? asked AppleJack

Flutter: Yeah i'm f-fine, i'm not feeling well thats all........

AJ: Yur lyin....... whats wrong? She asked as fluttershy and the rest of the ponies got into the hot tub.

Rainbow: She's been like this all day....... 

Rarity: Darling you have bags under your eyes ....... what happened ? were here for you !!

Twilight: Has your cutie mark been glowing? If so we should head to the castle immediately !!

Pinkie: " Lifts fluttershy's flank out of the water" Nope no shiny butt here !! Is that meanie being .... well a meanie pants? 

Flutters: "What do i say" I ...... I- "starts to sob" 

AJ, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, Twilight: Fluttershy ? " different saying of what happened and such"

AJ: "rubs fluttershy's back reassuringly" ...... Come on darlin tell us, we can help. please?

Flutter: "takes a deep breath and steadies her voice"   couple days ago .... 

∆ Back to see what discords doin ∆

Discord pov 

He woke up looking for his beloved, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen, "OHHHH she went to the spa with the my other friends." Discord then got up off the couch and goes to take a shower. He notices how lonely he is without the pink haired beauty by his side. He then looks into the mirror and sees a slight bruise on his cheek. "Huh where did this come fro-" he then remembered what happened from a couple days ago and the fight. "Oh ......... I really almost lost control, fluttershy your just so intoxicating to be around...... but i respect her for standing up to me". " i remember the first time i had met her, she would've never done that .... she has come a long way since then" Discord then started to think about his time in stone and all those dirty images he had made of HER. And what they were doing in his mind was really ... sexy. Discord then looks down to discover his little discord was standing at attention and it hurt quite a bit. "Damnit !! Well now i have no choice, at least i'll finally get some release since she's such a cock block". he then grasps his unusually large dragon cock and strokes it all the while thinking of what THEY could do together. He then steps into the shower and masturbates while in the shower. 

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