The party

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Three months later

Fluttershy woke up and her beloved wasnt beside her. She then got up and took a shower and dryed her mane and brushed it (took 30 min). 

I wonder where discord has wondered off to ? she then heard someone downstairs. fluttershy then walks downstairs to see if it was discord.

She walks downstairs and it was really dark ..... weird she thought it really bright outside. turns out all the curtains were shut and the lights were off. her animals or discord no where to be seen. Fluttershy then walks over to the ight switch and flips it on

SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! discord and the main six and spike were there.

fluttershy quietly squeaks and hides behind her wings.

Happy birthday my love !!!! screams discord with a slight blush on his face. he then walks over and picks her up and spins her twice and kisses her on the forehead.

        (going to name pov because i dont want you to get confused!!!! Now read on you lovely peoples)

Pinkie: Happy, happy birthday to you

Applejack: hiya sugarcube happy birthday

Dash: happy birthday shy

Twilight: today we celebrate your birth and our frindship !! hehe

Rarity: happy birthday darling i missed you!!

spike: Goood to see you fluttershy happy birthday!!

 Fluttershy: Goodness Thankyou everypony!! how did you all know today was my birthday? discord then puts her down, and fluttershy pulled them all into a group hug

Dash: oh come on shy  of course we now when your birthday is !! were your best friends.................... and (barf she thinks to herself) .... discord is your special sompony or coltfriend or whatever he is. of course he knows your birthday.

Pinkie: Yeah silly he thought up of this plan !! i was going to do the usual party for you at sugarcube corner but then he goes POOF and here we are !!!!!!

fluttershy: Discord? did this ? 

Discord: Of course i did my love !!! your birth is definately worth celebrating in a special way !!! which is why we are scheduled for a picnic this afernoon just you and me <3

Fluttershy: flys up and kisses discord on the cheek and then playfully nibles on his ear. she then whispers ...... thankyou... i cant wait 

Discord: blushes like crazy and hugs fluttershy. Your welcome dearest anything for you  ....... your the love of my life it smy job to ake you happy !!

Ttilight, pinkie, rarity, dash, applejack, spike: BREAK IT UP LOVE BIRDS !!!! 

rarity: Good Celestia get a room

Discord: well rarity we could but you may not like what you hear !!!!! he then notices flettershy blush all over and giggles

Twilight, pinkie, rarity, dash, applejack, spike: ews and yucks and gross they all say somethng different at the same time 

Fluttershy: hehe hes just kidding girls come on lets party.

Pinkie: FINALLY !!!!! pulls the string on the party canon 

All the ponies and spike and discord start dancing and partying (like animals, animals ooooohhhhh..... sorry had to do it)

two hours later 

twilight: hahahaha wow best party ever !!! but i have royal duties to attend to. come on girls lets give these two some privacy ........

Pinkie: but she hasnt even opened her presents yet!!!

Dash: come on pinkie you know she dosnt like being watched ........ she then turns to fluttershy and winks

rarity: oh alright well goodbye fluttershy happy birthday!!

all the ponies then leave knowing discord had more planned than just a picnic

Sorry im really tired and i have to go to school tomorrow i will write more maybe this weekend about THE PICNIC SURPRISE thanks everypony keep calm and love fluttercord

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