What Happens After

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(new setting of the stroy: it is current with all the happening of the current My Little Pony TV series.)

A few days have passed since that steamy morning. Fluttershy woke up with a start, she had been having the same feeling in her lower stomach for a while now. The Special somepony in bed beside her was still fast asleep, She would hate to have woken him. She has been feeling a little different since she had her first orgasm. Maybe it was the sexual desires inside her awakening, or maybe she's sick? As fluttershy is thinking to herself she gets out of bed and takes her hair out of the messy bun it was in. 

Fluttershy finishes brushing her hair and climbs under the covers to snuggle discord awake."Disssccoooorrrd" Fluttershy hums, Gently nuzzling his neck with her snout. "Wake up Dissy lets go out for breakfast today!" 

Discord slowly wakes up and does a soft yawn while stretching. He then kisses fluttershy on the forehead and sits up. "Why Good morning my sweet butterfly!" Discord then tussles his hair and stands up off the bed and stretches again. "We can go out for breakfast if you want to!  I would love to scare ... I mean greet the early morning ponies." Discord then peaks a sly grin at the yellow Pegasus scolding him. 

Fluttershy just looks at him for a minute and giggles "Hehe Discord I love how Chaotic you are in the mornings" a pink color rising onto her cheeks. Fluttershy then thinks to herself how Chaotic it would be to have a repeat of their ... Steamy morning. She then stops herself ... HOW naughty of her! 

The two of them then proceed to walk downstairs together to go for a breakfast morning walk. Fluttershy feeds the animals and they leave the cottage. Fluttershy locks the door and places her keys into her saddle bag. They both then start their walk into town. 

Discord starts floating becoming bored with their walk. "Flutters why cant I just teleport us there? Walking is just so mundane for the lord of chaos!" Fluttershy giggles and flies up to kiss him.  "Well Discord, Walking is a good exercise and a good way to make sure you still know how to walk when all you do is float and teleport hehe" 

Discord then floats down to the ground with a sight blush knowing she was right. That clever mare thinks discord, as they arrive to town.

Fluttershy and discord walk into town like they have many times now and make their way to the "Pancake Shop". Many ponies had become accustom to seeing discord in town, due to the fact he lived there. Fluttershy and discord had been together for a year now but,  some ponies still stared at the couple for being different. It always made discord want to rain chocolate milk on theirs heads!

The couple walk into the diner and wait to be seated. Fluttershy then looks at discord " Discord d you want do you want for dinner tonight? I need to go shopping before we go home, so what do you want to eat?" They are seated in a booth and sit across from each other.  Discord thinks over the question and has a grand idea! 

"Dear why don't we go to Manehatten for dinner tonight? We can have a romantic night away together! Wouldn't that be fun my love?" Discord then shrinks to the size of her orange-juice cup and does a kneeling jazz hands movement.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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