Chapter 19 - Hermione

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Raindrops fall, fast. Soon it's not simple rain anymore, it's a real storm.

Hermione is soggy, her hair and clothes sticked on her body give her the impression of being suffocated. She doesn't move, tho. She keeps staring at the closed door in front of her.
"What is she going to do now, without me?" she wonders.
Her tears are indistinguishable from the raindrops.
She realizes her head is aching a lot. She decides to sit down, then realizes at her feet there's a puddle. All the field is a puddle, now.
She feels so stunned and dizzy, as if her brain was still into Bellatrix's house. Not only her brain, tho... the whole her.
She feels as she wasn't really there, as it was all an illusion, as if her body and her soul were both still close to Bellatrix and if the her outside was just an hologram, a stupid mistake about to be fixed.
She finds herself waiting for someone to fix that mistake... someone to make that fake her disappear and let the true her be totally where she belongs, close to Bellatrix.
She realizes she's real. She realizes she's totally real, alone in a puddly field during a storm.

She takes a deep breath and starts walking.
Not too far, kinda close actually, there's a wood. She walks towards it slowed by the headwind.
"It seems as the wind too knows I belong back there..." she thinks.

After some time, she doesn't know how much, she reaches the wood. The canopies of trees serve as a roof, so the ground is almost dry.
Hermione walks a few meters into the forest, then cringes with her back against a trunk.
She's trembling, so wet and cold, and her head still aches. The wind howls and she knows, even if at the moment she can't see it, that the sky is almost dark.
"What time is it... lunch time?" she asks herself.
She has no food, anyway.
"All I have is what I'm wearing: a sweater, a skirt which doesn't even reach my knees, and socks." she thinks.
She also realizes she isn't even wearing shoes.
She closes her eyes, thinking that sleeping is the only thing she can do, now.

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