Chapter 18 - Leaving

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Hermione's eyes stare into Bellatrix's. Bellatrix reads doubt on her face.
"Say no, please" she thinks. "Don't leave me."
The girl opens her mouth, ready to answer.
The older witch is sure to have seen, for a moment, some love in her expression. She is sure to have read "I love you... thank you."
Hermione closes her mouth, unsure. Her expression, to Bellatrix, is almost unreadable now.
"She 's thinking... she's not sure she wants to go." thinks the woman.
Hermione looks at her own hands, then raises her sight and meets Bellatrix's gaze again.
"I love you." Bellatrix reads in her eyes.
"Yes." the girl says. "Yes, thanks. Drive me to the door."

Bellatrix nods and starts walking, in silence. Hermione follows her. The fitted carpet muffles the sound of their footsteps which is the only sound in there. None of them says anything. Bellatrix is glad to be leading, giving her back to Hermione, because she's crying. Silent tears unstoppably flow on her face. She doesn't want Hermione to see her like this, but she knows when they'll reach the door the younger witch will see her face anyway. She isn't gonna use a spell to hide it: the girl is leaving, it may be the last time they see each other... "At least she'll see the real me..." she thinks.

Hermione follows Bellatrix, silently. She feels a little bit stunned... Bellatrix Black letting her go? Leading her to the door with no complaints? To Hermione it's dream-like. "...but not necessarily a good dream..." she thinks. They walk in silence. The girl looks at the swinging hips of the older witch, then at her curly mane-like hair, and she finds herself weeping. She doesn't know what she's feeling, she just knows she would like to erase all the things she just said to the beautiful woman in front of her and hug her. Hug her tight and hide in her arms. And cry, cry and cry. Let out all the pain and live in the woman's arms forever... but she's just walking behind the woman, about to leave her. She's silently crying but the woman doesn't know. She's desperate now, terrified at the thought of leaving her. "... and maybe she'll never know that... Maybe she 'll never know that even if I don't want to be hers, I love her so much. Maybe I should- "

"Here we are." Bellatrix's trembling voice interrupts Hermione's thoughts.

Hermione walks near to the woman and looks at her. Their gazes meet once more. Both read in the other's eyes a desperate "No, please..." as they both were begging for the other to stop the leaving process. Bellatrix turns to the door and opens it.
They stare at each other, both waiting for the other to do something. Bellatrix walks out and Hermione follows.
The woman looks at the grayish sky, then gives her attention back to the younger witch.
They are both crying, both wanting to avoid what's about to happen, both not avoiding it, tho.

"Will we ever see each other again?" asks Bellatrix.
"Yes, we will." answers Hermione.
The woman puts a hand on her shoulder and gets closer to her and Hermione at first thinks she's going to be kissed... but Bellatrix doesn't kiss her. She gets a little bit closer, tho, and Hermione thinks she's about to be hugged, and feels an intense need to hug the woman, but none of them hugs the other.
They 're both pending, waiting for something to happen...
A thunder roars in the sky and Bellatrix talks: "I should get inside, it's about to rain."
Hermione nods.
"Do you have some place to go or do you wanna come back inside?" the woman dares asking, hoping so much to hear that the girl doesn't have any place in which to go and that she needs to come back with her.
"I... I'll find a place..." is the answer.
Bellatrix feels stabbed in her heart.
She looks into the younger witch's eyes for two more seconds, then turns away and gets into the house.

The door gets slammed in front of the girl, and in the same time another thunder echoes in the sky.
"But I wanted that hug..." Hermione murmurs, and it starts raining.

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