Chapter 26 - Alive

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Hermione's lips curl into a smile under Bellatrix's. She feels to laugh and scream in joy. Not for sexual excitation, for pure joy. She's being herself. She feels free. Free from judgement, free from masks, free from time. To her, time doesn't seem to exist anymore. It's like a beautiful dream. Everything seems possible and she doesn't think, she doesn't have her terrible mind shouting at her to behave, to think before to act, to do something. She just is herself and expresses herself through true and spontaneous acts.
She pushes Bellatrix away and laughs loudly.

Bellatrix sees the light in her eyes and smiles.
Hermione stops laughing and smiles back, then hugs her tight.
"I love you!" she exclaims.
"Girl... I am still the evil bitch I used to be, this is just another side, but I'm the same. If you stay with me I'll hurt you again. People don't change so fast."
Hermione stares at her, serious.
Bellatrix feels her heart aching. "She was so happy" she thinks "and I ruined it. Why do I always ruin everything and hurt everyone?!"
"I don't care." answers Hermione. "I know you are the same, I know people don't change so fast. Those, tho, are just thoughts now, because now you are being nice. If for a second you can be kind, kindness still exists in you. From this little seed can grow a tree, but you have to water it and keep it safe. If you take care of it, it will grow beautifully. I believe in that seed... and in you."
"Your wand is in the second drawer of the bedside table of my side of the bed. And this key..." Bellatrix hands Hermione a tiny silver key, with the letter H carved on it "...this key unlocks it. Take your wand... and the key. If I'll be mean you'll be able to go. Even if I won't be mean, but I hope you won't think of going in that case. It's magic, I won't be able to lock you anywhere as long as you hold it. And I won't be able to kill you."
"Thank- thank you- Do you trust me that much?!"
"I don't, but neither I trust myself."
Hermione hugs the woman, with tears in her eyes. What is happening? She doesn't know, nor she cares.
"I..." starts the older witch "I found it when I was just a girl. I found it in my bed, here. I had no idea of where it came from, but I liked to imagine it was magic and my lover gave it to me. Of course, there was no lover for me at that time. And there was no keyhole for that key. There was the mystery and the letter H. And now there is you. I still don't know where It comes from, and I don't care. I care about you now."

And Bellatrix hugs Hermione. A true, warm hug. They keep hugging for seconds, and those seconds fastly become minutes... For them, tho, time does not matter anymore.
They keep hugging each other and slowly lie down, together, hugged. Then they start kissing each other, and touching every part of each other.

A soft breeze blows outside, stroking gently the trees, the grass, the flowers and Bellatrix's house.
The Sun shines in the sky and its rays pass throug Bellatrix's bedroom window and light up the two people in there, playing on the bed and smiling and laughing like two happy children.

The world is beatifully alive, and they are too.

~ The end ~
(The end of this written story, not of theirs)

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