Chapter 4 - Pain

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Finally, after Hermione doesn't know how much time, Bellatrix gets up and turns to the young girl.
They both stare at each other speechless.
Hermione can hardly believe what she's seeing is real: the woman's face is all red and wet... like she has cried... and a lot;
on her part, Bellatrix expected the girl to be asleep instead of being there quietly awake, looking at her frustrated face. Nobody should have seen her like this, she thinks. Nobody.
"I had got something in my eyes" she lies, not considering that her whole face is red, not only her eyes.
Hermione smiles "That means she has feelings too!" she says to herself before speaking loud "There's nothing wrong with crying, it's perfectly normal..."
Bellatrix stares at her. So much pain in the woman's eyes and so much hate as she talks back "You, bitch, shut up! I'm the stronger here, remember!" and with a shake of her wand, Hermione is screaming under the Cruciatus curse.
A few seconds later Bellatrix stops, letting the girl take breath.
"Back to normality" the younger witch thinks, crying. Suddenly, tho, she stops. Something in the way the woman hurt her is different. She hasn't laughed. Since she woke Hermione up she hadn't made silly comments or cackled. "Not that it matters too much" she tells to herself "pain is pain... but... it hurts different..."
"Girl, clean up this bloody mess before I'm back or I'll make you feel how real pain is like." says the woman pointing at the stains of blood on the floor near the girl before leaving and locking the door.
Hermione is exhaust and the so many emotions she felt in a so short time are still going around into her head, making her hard to think clear... Anyway she gets up and with the only things she has, her clothes, she starts rubbing the floor.
She's just about wear her shirt again that Bellatrix comes in. For a second she stares at the girl's uncovered arms, then she talks "What are you doing?"
"It w-was the only thing I h-had to clean up..."
"Well, well, well, good girl." says smirking.
"She's back" thinks Hermione "the old evil smirking witch..."
"Pick up your things, we are going... oh, right, your clothes are all you have!" whispers Bellatrix into the girl's ear, smiling.
The brunette blushes as the warm breath of the older witch caresses her skin. "Where a-are we go-going?" she asks.
"Shut up, Muddy, you'll see it soon. Now hold my arm."
"What isn't clear of "hold-my-arm", stupid girl?!" Bellatrix shouts at Hermione's ear, making her shiver.
The girl slowly places her hand on the woman's arm.
"Weak!" she hears, before a hand grabs her wrist so strongly that she feels like it could break.
A sting-like pain at her stomach makes Hermione hold her breath.
One second later the bother fades away and the girl realizes with that has also gone the room they were in... or better, they have gone from the room.
Now they are into a great hall.
"Like my house?" asks Bellatrix with a smirk, as the young girl turns around, admiring that gorgeous place.

The first colours she notices are brown and silver, then purple, gold and last, dark red.
Upon them an high ceiling, below them a fitted carpet. Behind them a big dark brown wood door, in front of them the hall continues as a corridor... much wider than a common one, anyway.
Wherever Hermione looks she sees colour... brown, silver, purple, gold or red. Those tones are perfectly balanced making ceiling, walls and floor look like a one suggestive, huge masterpiece.
"Whoa! It's-it's amazing!" says the girl in a whisper.
"Wait to see the rest of the house..." whispers Bellatrix to Hermione's ear, touching it with her lips.
The young witch feels a flight of butterflies flying up from her stomach to her cheeks, turning them red.
Bellatrix giggles.
"So, wanna see the second floor?" asks then.
"Yes!" exclaims the girl.
"Well, guess you have to wait. I'm not your tourist guide, Muddy!" cackles the older witch.
"I had to expect that..." thinks Hermione who for some seconds had forgot how cruel Bellatrix can be.
"What? Is the little Mudblood sad?" asks the woman while resting her chin on Hermione's shoulder.
"I'm-I'm fine stutters the girl, trying not to collapse.
The woman fingers slowly the girl's arm. Hermione tries in vain not to shiver. In the while a sweet cocoa scent fills her lungs.
"Scared, girl? Afraid the evil witch could hurt you, little Mudblood?" whispers Bellatrix licking the girl's ear.
"B-Bella..." moans her before collapsing on the floor.
"Weak!" cackles Bellatrix.
Hermione gets up, her face red.
Bellatrix touches her arm again "You are so skinny... follow me." and she walks towards the end of the corridor, entering the farest room on the right.
Hermione follows her sometimes turning her head to admire the environment.
The kitchen, where the young witch reaches Bellatrix, is quite different than the hall but, in Hermione's opinion, still amazing.
Most of the items are made of perfectly carved wood. The main colours are cobalt blue, light violet and brown where the wood is nude.
What Hermione finds more beautiful, tho, is the woman standing in there.
Her back to the girl, she's cooking. Her long curly hair wave on her shoulders as she moves. Her black dress embraces her perfect curves...
"Are you gonna help instead of staring my back, Muddy?" asks Bellatrix turning quickly and piercing the girl with her gaze.
"S-sure" falters Hermione.
"Oh! It happens that I've already finished. Next time, Muddy!" is the answer.
"You cook r-really fast." compliments the girl.
"I bite even faster." speaks the woman.
"What?" asks Hermione.
Bellatrix cackles.
The ravenette leads Hermione to the dining room, which has place just before the kitchen. The main colours of this room are red, dark magenta and gold. A big wood table is already set with white and gold dishes and silver cutlery.
Bellatrix fills two dishes with something that the girl finds smelling delicious. "What is it?" asks.
"Fried vegetables." answers the woman.
"Fried vegetables?" repeats the brunette.
"No, I don't eat children... but I could eat you if you don't behave." giggles Bellatrix.
Hermione stares at the woman with a questioning look but she just gets stared back. She swallows.
"Eat" says the woman.
The brunette obeys.
"What time is it?" asks then.
"Dinner time. You don't eat since two days." answers Bellatrix.
"So that's how long I've been prisoner..." thinks Hermione "it seems a lifetime..."
"Can I ask a question?" mumbles the girl.
"You already did." answers the woman.
"Can I ask another question?" talks again the young witch.
"You already did!" replicates the ravenette.
"P-please... you know what I mean..." says the girl.
"Let's hear..." answers Bellatrix, smirking.
"Why are w-we here?" asks Hermione.
"Nice question, Muddy. I was tired of the stupid sh*t the nose-less man wanted me to do so I left. I don't work for him anymore." answers the ravenette.
"I understand." says Hermione in a whisper "Is that why you were crying?"
The older witch's eyes get filled with rage while she quickly leans towards Hermione and cuts her right cheek with the dinner knife.
"You are lucky to be alive, you stupid bitch! Don't talk about than anymore, am I clear?" shouts at the girl.
Hermione nobs while both colourless and red drops fall down, splashing on her dish.

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