Chapter 23 - Stairs

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Hermione expected Bellatrix to be mad at her.
With her surprise, the older woman acts much as a caring mother. Her rudeness still there, of course, but Hermione can feel the affect hidden behind the other's not too sweet words.

"Follow me." the woman says and starts walking.
Hermione follows her.
As they walk in front of the kitchen, Hermione tramples a small piece of glass which passes through her sock hurting her foot.
"Ouch!" she exclaims.

"Fuck" whispers Bellatrix immediately picking it up and throwing it in the kitchen.
Hermione looks in that direction and her eyes widen. "What-"
"Nothing." says the woman waving her hand to make the door magically snap closed.
She grabs the girl's arm and starts walking the stairs.

Hermione is relieved that Bellatrix accepted her back but she's still emotionally and physically upset for what she's been through.
They're half-stairs when she loses her balance and falls.
Bellatrix picks her up by her arm, then carries her in her own arms.

The girl doses her eyes, shaking and weeping.
"It's so beautiful!" she thinks, as the typical chocolate fragrance fills her lungs. "But also painful." because all her body aches.
She concentrates of Bellatrix's hands on her body and relaxes.
Just the awareness of that physical contact between them makes all the pain worth it, to Hermione.

"Yes, hold me the tight!" she thinks "And never let me go."
"Why are you smiling, girl? You almost fell off the stairs!" she hears Bellatrix asking.
She feels her face going red as the thinks of an answer.
She decides to be as honest as possible: "I'm just happy you got me." she says.
"Uhm... interesting, girl." replies the woman, smirking.

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