maybe one day.

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the title sounds angsty gyrheuji but uh
this is gna be super fluffy so uh ya yeet

pairing(s): chuckle sammy / reader
genre: platonic fluff

warnings: cursing, minor use of caps, thats abt it... reader says howdy and partner hyrfijk
song(s) to listen to: everybody wants to rule the world ; tears for fears
reader pronouns: they/them


the sun peered through the small openings of the curtains, seemingly calling to the inhabitant of the bed. with a small stir, the figure in the bed rolls from their back to their stomach. too exhausted from the trip from their hometown to the airbnb in los angeles that they resided in for the time being, they bury their face into the soft pillow, deep in a dreamless sleep. everything was peaceful.

well... except for the ever so quiet turn of a doorknob and hushed whispers.

"shh, it's supposed to be a surprise-"

"guys, do you not understand the words be quiet?"

"this is stupid as fuck."


the (rather loud) whispering made the sleeping figure stir, before sitting up. their eyes blinked awake, their eyes staring into two suprised gazes and one that looked rather... normal yet held a certain excited gleam to them. [y/n] blinks a bit more, before a sleepy smile tugs at their lips. "well howdy, chuckle boys."

first to break the silence between the three boys was charlie, who absolutely couldn't contain his happiness. "y/n!" the male said with a laugh, seemingly scooping them up into a tight hug. "it's so nice to finally see you face to face!' he chimes in, finally letting them go. next was ted, the tall ass as they so lovingly called him. instead of a rather brash and childlike excited hug, ted lets [y/n] get up from the comfort of the bed before pulling them into his arms. hugging ted was better than any other bed, warm and comforting. it was nice and tight, and made them feel calm. once he stepped away, [y/n] turned to where schlatt was stood. it only took an eyebrow raise before the male was sighing, scooting closer to give them a lazy hug. although schlatt wasn't one for physical affection, [y/n] coud tell the other was just as excited to see them as they were to see him.

after hugs and questions about travel, the group of four head downstairs. "gah, i'm so excited for this week!" ted started, clapping his hands together, only for charlie to nod along. "so, filming of extra special chuckle sammy podcast at the end of the week, right?" [y/n] asks, only to snort when schlatt lets out a tsk at the name.

"we work hard on that damn podcast, and you just make fun of it so easily? thought we were friends, [y/n]." schlatt says with a teasing tone, lifting a hand to gently whack their head. "but you're right. end of the week, so we have the rest of the time to just... do whatever." he adds as they walk to the kitchen, in which [y/n] stops.

"you boys...."

"SURPRISE!" comes from charlie and ted as they do some very exaggerated jazz hands, gesturing to the table filled with various breakfast foods. pancakes, eggs, bacon, coffee already made, etc...

the truth was, the boys wanted to surprise them with breakfast in bed... but neither trusted the others to actually bring it up to them. (also totally ignoring the fact they didn't actually wanted to wake [y/n]...) the visual of food has [y/n] drooling and their stomach rumbling, realizing how hungry they truly were. they go to grab a plate (paper plate, very graciously bought by schlatt) before helping themselves to whatever they wanted, sitting down to eat.

the boys do the same, not actually having eaten yet... they wanted to make sure [y/n] ate first. as they eat, the three discuss the itinerary for the week, only stopping here and there to argue amongst them. [y/n] only watches them with a soft smile, head laid on their hand as they listen.

this is exactly what they were expecting, but boy howdy were they looking for it. maybe one day they could move closer to spend more time with these three weirdos... [y/n] weren't used to roommates but these three idiots were apparently exceptions.

their thoughts were interupted by the shouting between schlatt and ted growing louder and louder, meanwhile charlie was washign their dishes. [y/n] only grins, shaking their heads before leaning forward to whack the two tall men on the hands. "hey, partners, chill it!" they shout, which make ted and schlatt look to them, only with schlatt muttering soemthing about ted being a dumbass.

maybe one day... in the future. not anytime soon, [y/n] didn't even think they could last the week with these three.

"hey-! you better be able to last! we have a whole week of fun!" charlie calls. had [y/n] said that out loud? oops...

oh well, they couldn't wait for the week's events.

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