Chapter 3.3: Quiet Life in Gilead Village

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The first months of being a baby aware of its situation were painful.

Not in the physical sense, but the mental one.

Not only did I have to depend on Trisha, who I put together was my new mother, but it itched waiting for the right time to start investigating and asking questions about my previous life.

I couldn't even speak yet and the most I could get out of my mouth were baby sounds. So not only did I have to relearn how to speak, but I would also have to wait until I was the right age to start asking questions.

There was a filled-up bookshelf in our house. I wanted to check if any of the books told the story of what happened after my execution. But since I was still so young and Trisha was such a good mother, I never got a chance as she kept a constant eye on me.

Even though it was a pain that she was watching me all the time, I couldn't help but think of how good of a mother Trisha was as her top priority was always me. I never had a mother figure growing up so something like this was an entirely new experience and a heartwarming one at that. She'd play with me, read me stories, and bring me into the village every time she had to do errands.

I think Trisha was the town's doctor. There was an extension to our house that served as a clinic that had two rooms which she allowed me to be in. One was a room where my mother talked in private with her patients. The other was filled with medical books, supplies, and ingredients. By the looks of it, Trisha made her own remedies.

Since she was the town doctor, I'm guessing that the wrinkled man was called in from a nearby town to assist in my birth and take care of our clinic until my mother recovered.

The wrinkled man never showed his face to me again after my birth.

I didn't have any doubts that I was in the same world as my previous life, but it was normal to doubt some things and this was one of them.

That doubt disappeared when the Krauts (a family in the village) visited the clinic. Mr Kraut had apparently gotten hurt while he was repairing a roof and broke one of his arms.

My mother brought him into the private room, rolling up his sleeves. She went through a few drawers and put on a white leather glove.

Trisha put a hand on the opposite elbow, making a flag shape with her arms for anyone directly in front of her. She hovered her hand above Mr Kraut's broken arm. "Bone Healing!"

A green glow began emitting from Trisha's hand and Mr Kraut's twisted arm contoured back to place.

So jynx still exists and my mother can perform it. It seems as if she has a high skill in healing.

It also looks like they've figured out a way to summon spells without any incantations. It's great to see that things have progressed, but it makes me wonder how far into the future I am.

Maybe I'll be even able to perform jynx in this body, but I'll have to wait. Even Salazar didn't begin training in jynx until he was eight.

Mr Kraut began spinning his arm. "Thanks, Doctor, it doesn't even feel like it was ever broken."

"Of course, but you mustn't lift anything heavy within the next week." She handed him a vile of liquid. "Just put two drops of this in your water every morning."

"Thanks. We rushed here so we didn't bring money. Is it okay if we come back tomorrow?"

"That's fine. I'll just have the colonel pick it up for me."

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