Chapter 1.1: End of the Rebellion

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The rising of dawn marked the end of the day that came before. It was a reminder that the present would inevitably become the past. But for me, it also represented a beginning—for there was always a beginning after the end.

The day's first rays of light pointed me towards the door of my chambers. Outside, the guards were speaking to my loyal squire.

"Keep it quiet," I asked of them. "Joy is still sleeping."

"Forgive us and good morning," one of my guards greeted. "Patch says that Ser Castell has gathered the other lords and wants to talk to you in the meeting room."

I rubbed my eyes. "He summoned the rest of the lords? Is there news from the Capital?"

"I'm afraid I don't know," Patch answered. "But he wants to see you right away."

The meeting room of Harkhall was right above the throne room. Its window gave a mesmerizing view over the castle's courtyard and the nearby town.

Harkhall had been the Lancaster's ancestral keep for just over half a millennium. My house rose to prosperity due to our import of fish as Harkhall was erected in the southeastern part of Armestis.

The meeting room occupied a long and cold part of the castle. The other lords fidgeted restlessly as I took my seat at the end of the table.

I glanced at Ser Castell sitting perpendicular to me. "What warrants summoning everyone?"

"I'm sorry to summon you all here without telling you anything. But the good news we've all been waiting for has finally arrived." Ser Castell handed me a rolled-up piece of paper hiding inside his sleeves. "It's a message from Lord Minerva. It arrived last night while you and Lady Joy slept. Forgive me for breaking the seal."

I unrolled and read the message. "Is this true?"

"Indeed, Lord Minerva's forces have successfully breached the Capital's outer walls. Our spies around the Capital have sung the same song. However, Lord Minerva's forces are facing some trouble. The city's inner defences stand strong and his forces might not be able to breach the Iron Keep before the eclipse."

"And my father's other forces?"

"King Diablo has the City Watch and hired sellswords. They're proving rather troublesome for Lord Minerva. I'm assuming that Lord Salazar has gotten this message as well. His forces are closer to the Capital so his next moves are even more important than ours."

"Minerva and Salazar aren't my blood, but I know them like brothers. Salazar began marching to aid Minerva the moment he finished reading that letter. That's something I can bet my life on."

Ser Castell set up the map of Armestis and arranged pieces on the board. "Lord Salazar is only ten leagues West of the Capital. It should take his forces only two days to get there. They'll be fighting alongside Lord Minerva tomorrow evening at the latest."

"Make that tomorrow noon. Salazar isn't one to take his time in situations like these."

"That's also if he doesn't run into any of King Diablo's allies. I hear that Lord Nelbrandt has set up camp a few leagues from the Capital."

"I can't let my brothers fight while I sit back hundreds of leagues away sipping wine. Salazar is second only to my father as the most skilful jynxist in the country." I observed the map. "Once he and his men arrive, they should be able to help Minerva's forces progress through the city with ease. It's our duty to aid them in whatever way they may need. Prepare to ride out!"

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