A forced friendship

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Journal title: What do we do next?

May 18

Talk about a genuinely fun weekend. I think that amount of relaxing for me and everyone was well overdue, you know? But it's a good thing John is the Mayor in GoodNeighbor because I'd hate to see the size of the tab we ran up. We even tuckered out poor Charlie. I went down the following morning to see if I couldn't find my other shoe, and I saw him powered down behind the bar, a little sign on his head saying.

"Bars closed today, disturb me, and I'll kill ya."

That was... mmm 9am? Charlie is never powered down that late usually; the bar is open as early as 5 am. I know my crowd is a lot to handle but wow. Oh, and Jakie boy, he got an earful this morning. After finding my shoe, careful not to wake Charlie, I made my way back to my room in the statehouse; as I approached the top of the steps, I heard John and Jake talking in the hall....Am I a bit nosey? Yes, but I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation.

"You have my blessing to chase."

"Break her heart, and I'll break your spine."

"One big o'l, dysfunctional family. She'll beg for you, and you'll someday beg for me, but Mags is off-limits."

Did John have the hots for Jake? I mean, I know he swings both ways but wow, also poor Jake, being cornered and confronted by John like that is not for the faint of heart. Should have made myself known sooner, but before I did, I heard John ask Jake if we had sex. No...wait...no, no, we did not aha. Besides, as I say all the time, I have enough on my plate, though the look on Jake's face when I finally made myself known was fun. Other than that, things were...have been pretty good the last few days. I saw Dr. Amari about the chip I got from the Coursers head. She told me to seek out some group called the "railroad," said they help runaway synths, and that John lets them do a bit of work in GoodNeighbor just so far on the down-low that I've never heard of them.

I also ran into MacCready the day after our party...he was wondering where DogMeat was. I don't know the man well, but the heartbreak on his face was apparent as I told him what had happened.

Now getting ready to get back out there, I'm faced with a minor issue. Elder Maxson, I was instructed to keep him in the loop...but I mean, he never said the loop had to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, right? And bypassing details does not count as lying last time I looked, "forgetting" facts is something we lawyers are fantastic at.

Saying, "I got the chip but can not confirm the stability of it. I will let you know when I can" Isn't a lie. It's encrypted, so I really DON'T know how stable it is; I could try to crack it myself and destroy it. I just now need to figure out who I should take with me. Preston is an instant no because he runs the minutemen when I'm out in the wealth. Piper is a soft no because she wants to stay with Preston...Codsworth is also a soft no because he prefers to take care of my place when I'm gone...Let's see...Jake is a hard no because he does the settlements...I need more friends. Try as I might, the choice always comes down to the same three individuals, not that that's a bad thing, but still.

Journal Title: Partners in crime

May 25.

Valentine ended up coming with me; John wanted to come, but Fahr has a cold, so he's once again taking care of things in GoodNeighbor since she can't be his stand-in right now. It's fun to watch him put that Mayoral face on; it's like he evolves into an entirely different person vs. when he is around just my people and me. (Oh! I almost failed to mention I found out Fahr is his kid. If he's always been this way, even before he became a Ghoul, it's not surprising. Hell, I'm surprised he doesn't have more kids)

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