Chapter 7

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  When you say life is unfortunate for you, I think you really need to go check Ryan Prestone's own to see if yours is worse than his.

I doubt that for you though so don't bother to check because I swear on Ryan's life that no life is as worthless has his I promise you with him currently suspended for two weeks. I'm sure it would have been more complicated with Jason's parent threatening to involve the police but the principal begged on his behalf.

Note the sarcasm everyone knows he begged so the image of the school wouldn't get tarnished.

So to think that he wasn't even yet done with his previous punishment with Mr.Scott, (which i might have made harder for him) I think its very unwisely of him to actually get in another trouble Infact this time involving the principal.

I mean the guy is really senseless   because ............ ok let me just tell you what I did. So about five days back, I might behaved a little like a criminal. Please don't get this wrong I'm not that bad I assure you, I just kinda just...........  Ugh! how hard can this be to say!?  Promise me you won't tell anyone about this. Okay? Okay.

I didn't even do it alone, I had an accomplice with me. Abi was excited to punish Ryan so we basically just executed the plan together.

We just had to trick  Miss Lisa (the cook)  out of the kitchen and trust me it wasn't that hard, the woman hates her job anyway so she just needed a little bit of distraction.

She looks like she's in her late forty and she isn't married yet but that is explainable because if you see her face you get the point straight away not to add that her hair is very scanty and she has eyes that is perfectly resemblance to a frog's own with two big moles plaster on her face. One right between under her nose and mouth and the other one on her cheek.  She frown alot to.

Anyway, all we did was........... Abi walked into kitchen unannounced probably earning a scold from her and then he just acted concern towards her and told her someone posted her  picture on the wall in the lucker room  (which i secretly did when everyone was in class) and that got her running out of the kitchen to remove it and also probably planing to threaten the person. But in the main time while  she's gone, I walked in and mix laxative in the food she's prepared so during lunch while some  people took school food and was eating, Abi and I simply ate the snacks we bought on our way to school so we just settle with that and waited for the show to start.

At the end, everyone that took the food ended up with a running stomach and they used and mess up the toilet  just has planned while Ryan had a hard time washing and scrubbing not to add dealing with the odour as well.

Villain laughter haha haha haha haha haha haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was the simple thing we did so....... was it that bad? No I guess it wasn't.

"Thank you once again." Mrs.Davidson held my hand taking me out of my thought. Sorry if I forgot to inform you that I'm currently in the principal's office because Jason's parents wanted to thank me for stopping the fight. I'm like a super hero now you know.

"Its really okay ma." I tried acting polite giving her hand a little squeeze.

"Our son's life was saved due to your bravery and we'll be forever indebted to you." That was Mr.Davidson this time.

Stop with the flattering already or I'll loss my mind.  I smiled inwardly. You don't need to remind me that I'm cool, fresh, awesome, brave and anything good you can think of,  I know all of that already. I'm too good and I know it!

"Its okay sir I hope he's doing well now?" I asked switching the topic.

"Yes dear all thanks to you." Mrs.Davidson replied giving me a warm smile.

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