The Mansion

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I couldn't escape the world of dreams today. I felt like I was in a fantasy world with all of my favorite book characters, and if I could I would stay here forever.

Nonetheless, I had to wake up eventually. The problem was that instead of being greeted with the dark and eerie ambiance of my bedroom I was somewhere completely different!

I was in what looked like a hotel room, but unlike most hotel rooms it was barely furnished it was very compact and it had little room to decorate.

It turns out that wasn't the big problem... Where the heck am I?!

That is when I saw a familiar camera system, and all of those memories came flooding back. All of the bloodshed, all of the lives that were lost, and all the trauma I went through after Danganronpa. I knew I was never going to see those people again.

I, Maki, and Himiko made it to the outside world, and thanks to the change of opinion of the public we were welcomed back with open arms.

We were close, and there was no way I was going to let those two girls out of my sight. Not in a creepy way of course, but I wanted to keep them safe. They were like a family to me.

Anyway, I made my way to the door in my usual clothing, and I even found my hat. I looked very shaggy and disheveled, but there was no point in pampering myself in a situation like this.

I was introduced to an old-fashioned mansion made of the finest wood I have ever seen, and it felt like I took a trip into the twentieth century.  There were many expensive-looking photos using some of the best materials that any artist could get their hands on. I wouldn't be too shocked if I found the Mona Lisa or any Picasso paintings. 

That is when I noticed some people that I never thought I would get to meet. There was a range of different people that I could easily recognize. Some of them were unknown to me, but I was happy to get to know them at some point. They all looked very happy, and they were all eating a luxurious dinner and there were two seats for me to sit at. 

The first person to see me was a man that had a hat with a bold letter B on the center.

"Ayy someone finally decided to wake up!" The middle-aged man exclaimed and that made the whole room look at me.

I didn't like being the center of attention, but I was still happy to meet all of these people.

"H-hello. I am Shuichi, S-Shuichi Saihara." I introduced myself to everyone, and they greeted me with open arms. 

"Well hello there Shuichi. Please come take a seat there is an empty seat for you next to Miu. Join us." Kyoko casually explained, and that is when I was perplexed.

Miu? There is no way that girl is the Miu Iruma.

"Miu? Where is she?"

"She is in the bathroom Shuichi. She's been in there for a little while now, and if I am being honest things are much more peaceful without her. She has a huge personality, and I thought I was a little bad." The blond girl in the green complained, which is when it hit me.

Miu's alive!?

I took a seat next to Miu's chair, and that is when I saw a door open from across the dining room. That is when the ultimate inventor herself made her grand reveal, and tons of memories came flooding back again. It was like I was back in 2017 when I saw the ultimate inventor's dead body. It was gruesome, and there was blood streaming from her mouth, and from that moment on we lived without her dirty remarks.

"M-miu!? How are you h-here I thought you were dead!?" I faltered.

"Pooi- Shuichi! It's been so long!"

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