Rob's Alliance

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After we spoke to Monokuma I honestly felt defeated. It didn't matter how many times he was taken down because he would find a way to come back again. Every time in a sicker and more psychotic way. Sure we didn't have to kill each other, but in this case, we had to decide who had to die. What made it worse is that it was going to happen every three days and it appeared that there was no way to prevent it from happening. Knowing Monokuma he will put us through hell and back, and if I am being honest I don't know how to even comprehend this. Sure we aren't killing anyone, but the moment we write someone's name down it is like we are sending them a death wish.

I couldn't even leave my room at this rate. If I tried forming some bonds with people they would die, or I would die myself. I didn't even know who I was going to vote for because everyone hasn't been a real obvious option yet.

That is when my plans were turned upside down when I saw a paper being shoved under my door. No one was calling out for me, so this must be a little private or secret.

When I received the paper it said...

Shuichi please meet us down in the library. We have a plan in place, and we want you to be a part of it. 

From Boston Rob

I had no clue what Boston Rob wanted, and I wasn't really optimistic about going, but at the same time, I wanted to hear his plan. 

I made my way down to the library, and when I got there I found Rob with Sandra, Mythra, Miu, Michael Jackson, and Yuri. 

"Hi everyone..."

"Hello, Shuichi I am glad you decided to come down here today. I know you haven't been in a good mood ever since you were reintroduced to Monokuma but Rob has a great plan in place to insure our safety," Yuri told you, and that is when Rob started explaining the plan.

"Shuichi I don't know if you will like this or not, but I think if we stick together and all vote the same person we will be safe until we are the only ones left," Rob explained, and I was really perplexed about what I should do here.

"Are you sure? I mean I feel like we should vote off who we don't like, and not vote because we are in an alliance. What if the two of us get into a huge fight, and it tears the alliance in half? Or what if someone tries to pull us into another alliance?" I asked Rob, but he was still set on the alliance idea.

"That won't happen on my watch. There is no way I am letting this alliance break on my watch, and I think I have a way to stop that from even happening." Rob commented.

"What do you mean?" Michael probed Rob.

"A buddy system. When we are in public areas with people that aren't in the alliance we can pair up and if someone seems like they are acting up or they try to flip we will just kick the person out of the alliance. 

"Isn't that a little much?" 

"Shuichi I think we should be a part of Rob's alliance. I mean it seems a little extensive when you first look at it, but we are guaranteed almost another month together. Shuichi I know I never sound this serious, but I want to guarantee our safety for now." Miu explained in a kinder manner then usual.

If Miu was this adamant on the alliance I think this was the last straw I needed to join the alliance.

"Okay I am in. Who are we voting for at the first voting session?"

"We have a few names up in the air. We are either going with Madonna, Subaru, or Peach." Rob announced the three selections, and to be honest Madonna wasn't really a bad option.

Madonna was impolite ever since the moment we first met her, and sure Miu was like her in many ways. At the same time though Madonna should of matured by now because she is in her mid sixties and she is acting like she is a spoiled teenage girl.

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