Simply an Impulse

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This morning I woke up, and everything seemed right in the world. I took my shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and thought today would be a great day. Until I opened the front door, only to be met by two men in black suits and sunglasses. Immediately I knew something was wrong.

"Viktor Romanov?" one of the men in black asked.

"Yes?" I questioned, confused.

"You need to come with us. It's about your father," the other man said sadly, making me thousand times more worried.

I decided to go with the two agents as they took me to the Pentagon before leading me to a secret elevator that took us below ground and into the top secret base known as the Global Defense Force. The agents then led me into a hospital room, where I found Mark and Debbie standing beside a comatose and beat-up Omni-Man.

"Yebena mat'," I exclaimed upon seeing my surrogate uncle in a coma beat half to death. I quickly go to Mark's side.

(Yebena mat' = Holy shit)

"Viktor? What's going on? Why are you here?" Mark asked as he turned to look at the other person in the room, a white man with glasses and a double chin wearing a suit, only to see a grim look on his face.

"Viktor? What's going on? Why are you here?" Mark asked as he turned to look at the other person in the room, a white man with glasses and a double chin wearing a suit, only to see a grim look on his face

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"I don't know. They wouldn't tell me," I told Mark before looking at Nolan. "Who did this?" I asked aloud.

"We have no idea." a new voice said, getting everyone's attention as Mark, Debbie, and I turned around to see an older white man leaning on the wall in the dark corner of the room. The man got off the wall and stepped over to Mark and me.

"Not yet, anyway, but we'll find out, and when we do, they're gonna look a hell of a lot worse than your dad right over there

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"Not yet, anyway, but we'll find out, and when we do, they're gonna look a hell of a lot worse than your dad right over there. Cecil Steadman. Director of the GDA." the man said, introducing himself as he shook Mark's hand before shaking mine.

"Viktor, I'm sorry. But your father is dead," Cecil said regretfully.

The moment he said that, the entire world stopped around me.

My dad.


My world seemed to come crashing down when the thought crossed my mind. I loved my father, he was the only real family I had left, and now he was gone. I felt the energy building up inside me as I shook with anger, and tears fell down my face. I just knew I had to get out of here and ran as fast as possible, leaving a streak of lightning behind me as I ran until I reached the hill I sat up on with my dad just yesterday.

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