Do svidaniya, Mark

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(Play Music at 0:17)

All across the world, in every major city, a streak of yellow lightning raced through them.

In Atlanta, Georgia, three men in black trench coats and sunglasses with bandannas around their faces were robbing a bank as they shot their guns in the air, threatening hostages. Suddenly a yellow streak of lightning came into the room, and in a second, the thieves were tied up, their weapons disassembled, and the hostages freed, leaving everyone confused as the streak left. Once the streak was gone and the freed hostages gained some understanding of what happened, they began to beat up the thieves.

In Frankfurt, Germany, four men in a red truck were speeding down the street, driving recklessly as cops chased them. One of the men leaned out the window and began shooting at the cops, who swerved to avoid the gunfire. The yellow streak then came, and the four men found themselves flung into the backseat of the cop cars, handcuffed as both the cops and bad guys were left stumped and confused. The car rolled to a stop as the yellow streak raced by.

In Tokyo, Japan, a fight between Yakuza and the police raged as bullets flew through the air hitting the cars, walls, and barricades that both sides hid behind. The Yakuza began to become more aggressive with their attack, as many of the cops got shot before they could take cover. The yellow lighting streak then came in as Yakuza members were hit, and some got sent flying before ending up on the ground, handcuffed, or tied up. The police looked confused as the yellow streak raced past them. They looked over their cover to see all the Yakuza tied up and restrained.

~GDA Control Room~

Cecil was standing in the middle of the room as men and women around him were busy on their computers. Cecil was staring up at the wall of tv screens, which displayed all kinds of information about events and things happening worldwide.

"Where is he?" Cecil asked loudly.

"Kansas. He just stopped a tornado!" a woman yelled.

"Brazil. He saved a small village from a landslide!" a man yelled.

"Sir! He just reached Mach 7!" someone yelled.

Cecil smirked slightly as he was impressed by Viktor's feats.

"Run, kid. Run," Cecil said quietly as he watched a dot move steadily across a world map, bouncing from place to place.

(Stop Music)


Viktor stopped in his room as the wind kicked up papers and clothes on the ground, blowing them away. Viktor stood there in his suit, breathing a little heavily as he was sweating while leaning over, placing his hands on his knees.

"Whoo, that took more out of me than I expected," Viktor commented before looking around his room to see the mess he made, sighing before zipping around the room, picking up, and cleaning before stopping, now in his regular clothes as he looked at the clean room in satisfaction.

Viktor began walking down the stairs, but when he reached the edge, he stopped as he heard Debbie and Olga talking in the room.

"I am Russian, my dear. I know how governments work, and yours is no different," Olga stated.

"Cecil's searching for the killer--" Debbie tried to say but was cut off by Olga.

"Is he?" she asked. "No one is in jail. No one is on the news. They know who did this, and they don't care," she said harshly as Viktor stood with his back against the wall. Viktor looked down, his hair shadowing his eyes as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist.

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